what is a good sign to show that you have a nice hot coat, or a bad one??? how does everyone clean their hot coat brushes?
I Iook for the hot coat to flow over my tape line with a sheeting like action. Almost like someone put a piece of plastic wrap over the board. If it comes off the tape line in linear drips then, at least for me, I know sanding will be a bitch. I clean my brushes in acetone, then pour the used acetone in an empty can. When it gets full, I take it to the recycle center. I know some people will leave it outside in the sun to evaporate. That sucks, recycle it.
are “zits” a problem when sanding the hot coat, or do they just sand out? is it possible to re-hot coat, meaning to go over some thin parts after the first coat has cured or set?
my hot coat always gets stretch marks and cures tacky in the cracks. its like it sheets and pulls apart. any advice?
The bumbs will sand out with no problems. You can re-hot coat areas, but you have to sand the areas first or it will never stick. They will pop right off when you hit it with your sander. Make sure that your bucket is clean (no dust etc.) and that you don’t have a lot of stuff floating around in the air (like dust particles from sanding your laps). Herb has mentioned before that you don’t want a lot of air flow over your hotcoat. That is where you get that orange peel effect (not the color but the texture of a peel). good luck.
It sounds like you are not mixing the resin and wax solution well enough. You don’t want to whip it up and get a lot of air in it, but throughly mix it.
an exhaust fan??? will that keep some air out, or will it let in too much air? and mixing the resin too much can cause air “zits”??? thanks for all the helo, i am still pretty new at this…
an exhaust fan??? will that keep some air out, or will it let in too much > air? and mixing the resin too much can cause air “zits”??? > thanks for all the helo, i am still pretty new at this… The air must be DEAD CALM,or the coat will texture and dry unevenly,also causing tacky unwaxed areas.Herb.