Hotcoat color question

Hi guys

I just finished the laminate coat on my board and noticed black ink from the marker I was using smeared when I applied the epoxy... its look like crap.

Is there a way I can add colorto the hoatcoat and make a strip across the board like the image below.

Any ideas how I would apply it? Would I have to tape off a section of the board for the color, hotcoat that section and let it dry and then hot coat the remaining portion?

thanks guys

here is the image

So what exactly were you using a marker for?

As for the board pictured, that color looks like it is done in the lam as a pour.

If you are doing a gloss(sanded or polished), you could always do a colored pigment band.

What you'd wanna do is hotcoat as normal, sand, tape off, then apply a band of pigmented resin, then gloss coat. The concept is kinda like a resin pinline, except on a wider scale.  you can see more about it on i think it is under info, and then  under board construction, then color if i remember correctly.

I don't do epoxy so i don't know if it would work or not, but as for poly, i've done a couple, and they've come out pretty sick.

Hi astevens I tryed the link you provided and it didn't work.

Do you mean

couldnt he just hotcoat then sand and just acrylic(waterbase) spray paint can his line then gloss coat?



water based acrylic.He could do that, but if its not done correctly, it can fall apart easily. Even if done correctly, it is not very durable, and is prone to delam of the gloss coat. But it could work better with epoxy, you'd have to ask someone that works with that resin. I'm speaking about PE. oh, and "spray paint can" is not water based, rather solvent based (acetone, tolune, and other crap) that WILL causebonding problems!!!


here is the link

keep in mind that it will add weight, depending on how much you apply, but probably not anything significant. Plus its epoxy so it is lighter. Really put alot of pigment in to make sure it is opaque


I thought you could buy an acrylic spray paint that worked.. but ive never tried any kinds of spray paints. I use a spray gun, never had any gloss coat delaming from it, but had other issues which may have happend before the gloss coat could have delamed

I guess there could be water based in a can, but you'd have to read the back ingredient list.

Resin bonds to resin, but resin with a layer of acrylic in between (ie hocoat,acrylic spray, then gloss coat) cannot bond as well as resin to resin.

your gloss coat can chip off easily. the chip usually starts by a small ding or crack from usual wear and tear. I guess i shouldn't have called it a delam in my previous posting, because the lam can still be bonded when the gloss coat chips off.

A resin band will be the most durable, without a doubt.

Alright. I just spent over an hour skimming the forum for good info on hotcoat coloring. I would really like to try it out by taping off and cutting out designs. I have done this with paint guns an acrylic paint, but just never got the look I wanted. I saw a little dragon done so I’m guessing this is doable.

Is it possible to do a swirl in the hot coat. Like black and grey in the rail? I’m using KK resin figured it should stick alright.
Not really to intrigued with tints or pigments in the lam. They look great but I can’t see it being nearly as strong as a clear lam.

Last question. When doing a swirl is your base color a pigment. Then you just add in the tint, 1 mix and paint it on? Or use both tints and no pigments?

Tinted or pigmented resin is usually mixed together then poured out. You don’t just add tint or pigment to the resin and pour, you mix the tint or pigment into the resin and hardener, then mix your mixes, but not too mixed. Ha!

I’ve done a few tinted hotcoats, and you get a streaky look. You don’t get the marble swirl look because when you pour it on it flows, and when you brush it on it streaks. The colors don’t stay separated. You could tape off the lam and tint a batch of resin, pur it on, and brush it out rail-to-rail and you’d get a tinted band of color. just don’t sand it unevenly, or you’ll have an uneven band of color. I’ve done blues and whites in the hotcoat, brushing it minimially nose to tail, and you get a streaky look that reminds me of water or sky. Sometimes I’d use stensils on top of that with paint and get some great looking effects.

well first off tuf,

Tints painted over the hotcoat will not come out even looking. dark and light spots are inevitable. Don't do them unless you're looking for that kinda thing. google zeph carrigg and look for a grey hotcoat that he did and that is the kind of  look you will get.

Swirls will not come out as swirls. In the lam, the foam and cloth soaks up the first color to hit, giving clean, crisp lines if done right. On the hot coat, you will brush and then get streaks from your brush. also the colors will blend together. I wouldn't do it, unless that is what you want.

the only thing that i do is pigmented resin bands or other tape offs with this technique.

cool thanks for the info asteven. So I will be able to do small taped off graphics, but anything big could look off colored.

swirls in the hot coat are a no go.  Guessing I could do a grey rail band then after that sets or right before it sets hit it with black using a  decrative sponge to get a marble look. Does that sound like something that could possibly work?

I read on the harbour site that doing hot coat tints/ pigments is the hardest to achieve a good outcome. Im not to worried about trying the taped graphic's, and my cut lap has a green tint in it, so I guess trying something couldnt turn to look to much different from what I have now.

How do you go about sanding a hotcoated tint/pigment? start at like 150 or 250 and hand sand it flush?

You can do big areas, but make sure it is heavily pigmented to prevent discoloration.

If you are going to attempt a marble look, remember that it must be even, while at the same time, you do not want to sand the "marbled" look off. I've never done that, but if i was to attempt it, i'd probably tape it off, and pour little dots and stripes of the different colors, and then wipe off excess with a sponge. this might give you a smeared, marbled type look. Try it on a test board first!!!

I sand any flaws with 100 grit, and then gloss. plus this cuts the paraffin wax, but you're doing epoxy so you'll be fine.

Hey and also, if you did a cut lap and got a green tint, that's cool. I thought that you free lapped and found out that it was green later. I dig that kind of color, but if you are not satisfied then try this.

Also, I don't remember if it was you or not who said that pigment weakens the lam. You are true, but if you're using the amount of cloth that you did, durability is of NO concern. Your board will last a long time!!!

good luck:)

Or you can go the the auto store, Buy some spray cans of automotive spray paint. Tape off your design, spray it with 3 or 4 colors, then take some laquer thinner and sprinkle it on so you  get a marbling effect. Then spray over it with UPOL clear coat and buff out.


Then U done.


Below is the master Mr. Clean version of the spray with laquer thinned paint. Notice how it looks like marble, once he is all done den he do dem pinlines......look at dem pinlines!! Dat boy a freak of da nature!!



I saw the post you put up on swirl in hot coat. what did you ever end up doing with the white stripe in the board? Ive been trying to guess from the info you've passed on to me, but Im just not quite sure.


 thats the look im going for. So id just pick up (automotive paint) shades of grey to black, paint them on and sprinkle laquer . I would still be fine to do a epoxy/ poly gloss coat over it? I have it hot coated and sanded down to 220 right now. Was a bit short on resin in the hot coat on top looks fine, until you get up close. I wanted to hit it again though. Should I do that first then the auto spray, laquer, UPOL clear coat

I did a pigmented swirl inlay on the deck in the lam. It worked fine.

That automotive paint looks pretty cool resinhead