My hotcoat is all gummy. The wax has filmed up at the top but the resin isnt hard, firm but not sandable. Do I have to sand it to get the wax off before I rehoatcoat? Not only will that be costly in sandpaper but I what about the heat generated by the gummed up paper?

Try a 6" area, hit it with some acetone on a rag, don’t sand it and rehotcoat that area. Then sand it and see how it goes, if no problems do the whole board. Sound like your catalyst ratio was off or your catalyst was old, don’t store it on an open shelf where sunlight can get to it. Good luck. Now I’m off to do a hotcoat between rainshowers, thankful for that AC the kids got me. Tom S.

Thank you sir, but it was UV and I added cat. for the heck of it.

UV hotcoating requires you to “flash” the finished coating in UV light briefly - remove to shade for a few minutes to allow wax to surface and film on liquid resin, then re-apply UV light till full cure (couple of minutes).Make sure you didn’t put too much wax-in-styrene into mix as over about 3-5 % will also go gummy.Good luck !

Howzit Jeff, next time shoot the hotcoat with catalyst ( 15ccs should do it ), let it kick off, wait 10 mins. then put it in the sun to harden. I like doing them this way so I don’t have to use a lot of SA (thins the resin to much). This way you get a good hotcoat and it’s sandable in a 1/2 hour. Aloha, Kokua