hotcoat, lam resin, sanding resin 101

hey everyone,


I can’t seem to find anything on google or here for someone to get a straight answer on what hotcoat, lam resin, sanding resin are.

Can someone give me a quick 101?

I’ve repaired a few dings on my boards myself so I’m a lil familiar with the terms but can use some expert advise as to what these are so I can use them to make the board look better…I guess.

When or What do you use on PU and EPS?



Thanks a bunch,



check the archives. sanding resin/hotcoat resin are same thing. lam resin is hotcoat resin minus the Surfacing agent. lam resin has tacky surface, HC has sandable surface cause of paraffin wax coming to  surface. this is for PE resin of course. again, check the archives, good luck


astevens gave you a great overview

I’m relatively new to surf construction and sways, so heres my 2 cents, when repairing dings I usually use laminate resin to adhere the cloth (if needed),wait for it to dry,  then do a second coat of sanding resin, then sand. When I have no laminate resin (most of the time) Sanding resin seems to work pretty well anyway, even with one coat. i think ding repair kits give you sanding resin

for eps however i believe you must use epoxy resin.

      Howzir gnarly, astevens pretty much summed it up but I wantto add some thing,firsy of the term SA stands for surfacing Agent which is styrene and parafin wax so in a pince you can make your own sanding resin but ask about the proportions here first. Next thing is if you use sanding resin for laminating you fave to sand the resin before adiing more resin because the wax will not let more resin adhere to the first lamination coat. That should just about do it and just remeber to use laminating resin for glassing and sanding resin or Laminating resin mixed with SA for you hot coats. Aloha,Kokua 

Mahalo Braddas for the heads up. I quickly took to the archives and found some interesting insights. Great stuff.




Hi all, sorry to revive an old thread. I am in UK. Looking at restoring some old 80s surf boards as well as my son’s thruster which has a ton of dings (all bad repairs). My plan is to strip a few boards right back, then try my hand at laying glass matting over (on boards which need it, not all), in some cases just glassing the rail to toughen it up, and adding some colours if I am feeling artistic!
I have some polyester resin (all PU foam boards) and only just learned that laminating resin even exists! I was about to lay fibreglass with what I now know is hot coat resin (the only resin I have).
I read this “just remeber to use laminating resin for glassing” - is that crucial?

Whatever your plans are - pump the brakes…

You got a lot of reading to do before you blow a bunch of money and ruin a few boards.

Start doing some searches on how to glass a surfboard

No on the glass mat. You need cloth

No on laminating with sanding resin. - you need laminating resin