Hotcoat without wax

Today i was hoatcoating my #1 fish bottom!

But only when the resin is completely geled i look to the SA can and its completely new!!!

Conclusion i Hotcoat my board with laminate resin.

Then i retape de bottom again and Hotcoat(This time with SA)!!

I did it right??

now the board will be much heavyer???

Thank you all

Howzit romeublue, First I'm guessing by saying the can was new you mean you forgot to add the SA. Just do another hot coat and then sand the crap out of it to get the weight back down. Aloha,Kokua

you could have possibly tried wiping the one you forgot your SA with acetone,i screwed up my hotcoat once and after hours of trying everything, i wiped it down with acetone till it wasnt sticky…next thing i knew the room was a dust cloud …so it worked.