how about some sanding questions?

Not to restart the power tool fiasco thread - just be careful, OK?

The thought of the knife getting caught, yanked out of your hand, and thrown about at high velocity makes me cringe.

The pad looks great.


Absolutely right. After I posted the pic I kinda cringed. From lathes to drill presses to mills and shapers. I’ve used a lot of spinning tools in a lot of different situations. I was about as careful as someone can be doing something as dangerous as that. I tested different blade angles and speeds until I was comfortable with what I was doing.

Disclaimer: If your not super familiar with the way spinning tools can catch and bind up with things they’re cutting, don’t even attempt this.

Ah, heck with it. I’m spooked and taking down the picture.

Does anyone ever have problems with medium density power pads swelling in the centre after using them for a while?

I find mine don’t ever stay truly flat like they are when you get them new. I’m guessing the heat from using them distorts the

foam? Is this a common thing or should I try some different pads. I have had two med. density pads that have done the same thing.

I been eyeing off my kids foam kick board for a while now thinking I might make my own, but I like my dog the way it is.

Draw out your circle first and cut wide with a pair of large sissors,after that, grind it down using a sanding board.

Nice pad…you’re getting it,there are several mediums foams,etc to pick from just stay alert.

Use spray 90 if you can it holds better in heat-ups.Herb

Izzat the world-famous Goombah?



That’s hillarious! Happy Halloween.


Spray 90 huh? I’ll have to look for some of that.

I was really happy with the knife trick but it is dangerous. I can’t recommend it.

Hi Ryan,

I think Jay (Resinhead) uses a block of wood with sand paper to true up his home made soft pads. That might be a safer alternative. But it seems like you’ve got the whole knife trick figured out. Great job BTW.





Yah, Herb recommended the sanding thing too. Thinking about it, some 40 or 60 grit on a board would’ve probably worked just fine and been much safer. That idea didn’t come to me when making it. Instead, I’m the guy that somehow thinks using a serated chefs knife on foam disc spinning at 1000 rpm is quite doable. Actually, it worked quite handily and I had the blade really flattened out so it worked more like a scraper which would allow it to just rotate if it were to hang up at all. It never did but still, why not be safe when I can?

Next time I gotta make a pad, I’ll take the sandpaper advice and see if I can make it work. Safer is always better.