How do i get a smokey effect in resin?

Hi everyone, can you help me get a light smokey resin effect similar to this one? do i put a little bit of black in the resin and hardly stir it or should i drip the black onto the cloth then use clear? thanks in advance

Smokey effect… mix a SMALL amount of black pigment in the resin. Then mix THOUROLY, and run it through a paint strainer, before use.

Yep! And if you want the billows of smoke effect; put a very,very small amount of black pigment in your resin before catalyst and stir slightly with a stir stick. If you are doing the whole board in this effect; pour off enough resin to do both sides. Pre catalyst off course. Less is best. So start with a small amount of pigment and add if necessary. Too much stirring and you will have a black tinted board. When I asked a glasser recently to do a “One Drop Tint”; he asked me if that was a Bob Marley tune. No clue. Clyde Beatty would have known what it was.

McDing is right.
I have done smoke tints.
My 2 cents…
Smoke tint and use black OPAQUE (separately) and swirl to your 'arts content.

That particular board looks more like dribble/fling some black pigmented resin and then pore on your clear

Yes it does. Didn’t see the pic 1st time around. I’m going to have to start remembering all this stuff. Just got a nice little two stand glas shop set up “down by the river”.

Sweet, thanks guys, il give the paint strainer way and the flicking way a shot on a practice piece of foam and run with which one i like the most

love the neil young songs too these day, must be getting older haha

Good luck with it Miguel.