I want to mix my own speed finish to respray the bottoms of my boards. I’ve tried mixing flattening agent with clear laquer but it didn’t have the good texture. Can someone tell me what the right mix is, and if there is anything special or extra you do. . . or even if I’m in the right ball park.
I want to mix my own speed finish to respray the bottoms of my boards. > I’ve tried mixing flattening agent with clear laquer but it didn’t have > the good texture. Can someone tell me what the right mix is, and if there > is anything special or extra you do. . . or even if I’m in the right ball > park…try future acrylic floor polish…you can get it at the local supermarket,or you can get some dolphinskin,or gel gloss,or what I’ve been using behr industrial floor sealer"seal tite"…none of this need to be sprayed on …you can however mix h2o with the future polish and spray that.Herb.
I was refering to the sprayed on type, like on new boards. For getting boards back like new and for touching up repair areas.
I was refering to the sprayed on type, like on new boards. For getting > boards back like new and for touching up repair areas…Huh? sorry,but can you explain this in a different term? Thanks…Herb.
My bad. I’m talking about the sprayed-on texture finish that most everyone puts on sanded/comp. short boards to seal the cloth and hide sanding marks. Everyone called it speed finish, satin finish, etc. when it came into use, you know what I’m talking about. I’d like to find out exactly what the laquer/acrylic based mixture and additive(s) (flattening agent?) were, so I could respray the bottoms of my boards and areas after repairs. (i.e. – replaced glass-on fin, etc.) Can anybody help?
MR.Hand,will I pass your class…GEEEEEE,Mr. Spicoli,“I DON’T KNOW”. …SORRY,a bit of humor there( Ray Ralston was a great actor ),we use to just by kyrlon in a can ,spray it on ,let it dry,then scrounge pad it out…sorry I couldn’t be of more help…try the Future stuff,you can get a great finish out of it with a sprayer.Herb…AND CHECK THE ARCHIVES.
Lots of glassers use floor wax, like Herb said, but I think you can also get somthing like your talking about at a surf shop. MR.Hand,will I pass your class…GEEEEEE,Mr. Spicoli,“I DON’T > KNOW”. …SORRY,a bit of humor there( Ray Ralston was a great actor > ),we use to just by kyrlon in a can ,spray it on ,let it dry,then scrounge > pad it out…sorry I couldn’t be of more help…try the Future > stuff,you can get a great finish out of it with a sprayer.Herb…AND CHECK > THE ARCHIVES.
MR.Hand,will I pass your class…GEEEEEE,Mr. Spicoli,“I DON’T > KNOW”. …SORRY,a bit of humor there( Ray Ralston was a great actor > ),we use to just by kyrlon in a can ,spray it on ,let it dry,then scrounge > pad it out…sorry I couldn’t be of more help…try the Future > stuff,you can get a great finish out of it with a sprayer.Herb…AND CHECK > THE ARCHIVES. Thee are several commercial products availible, one is “break Through” it comes in gloss, satin and mat finishes. Another by “varithane” come in the same finishes under he brand of Diamond coat. It is made for surfboard use by adding sifted cabosil to the acrylic laqueres. http://www.JimtheGenius@aol.com
Others: Yeah, we were turtle waxing our bottoms in the '80s. Didn’t everybody? I was talking about something else. Thanks anyhow. “Sifted Cabosil” is that the only “additive” to give it the texture?>>> Thee are several commercial products availible, one is “break > Through” it comes in gloss, satin and mat finishes. Another by > “varithane” come in the same finishes under he brand of Diamond > coat. It is made for surfboard use by adding sifted cabosil to the acrylic > laqueres.
MR.Hand,will I pass your class…GEEEEEE,Mr. Spicoli,“I DON’T > KNOW”. …SORRY,a bit of humor there( Ray Ralston was a great actor > ),we use to just by kyrlon in a can ,spray it on ,let it dry,then scrounge > pad it out…sorry I couldn’t be of more help…try the Future > stuff,you can get a great finish out of it with a sprayer.Herb…AND CHECK > THE ARCHIVES. UH Herb? I think that would be Ray Walston. I liked him too. When I was a kid playing my first year in little league baseball (that would be a LONG time ago!)he threw out the game ball at opening ceremonies.
UH Herb? I think that would be Ray Walston. I liked him too. When I was a > kid playing my first year in little league baseball (that would be a LONG > time ago!)he threw out the game ball at opening ceremonies…correction acknowleged,Thanks,Herb.
UH Herb? I think that would be Ray Walston. I liked him too. When I was a > kid playing my first year in little league baseball (that would be a LONG > time ago!)he threw out the game ball at opening ceremonies. John, Would that be during the My Favorite Martian days? M
Yes, I’m afraid so - please don’t ask what year it was… I can’t remember!