How do professional designer design their board?

[=1][ 2]How do professional designer design their board?[/] I heard that board manufacturers test their board by famous windsurfer. They depend on just Try & Error? Otherwise, they use some analysis program? Please answer to me Thank you[/]

determine points of measurement and use various curves from different templates to connect the dots in a way that looks about right. cut it. shape it. glass it. ride it. note how the board rides, make adjustments to improve the intended ride characteristics, and do it all over again.

Use your birthday date as wide point measurement. Throw the dice to determine rocker and lift. Ask your girl friend’s breast and hips measurements (nose and tail width). Join the points the best you can. Work from here.

I’m with Balsa…

Good surfboard shapers, and ONLY shapers are designers, NOT color artists, start with something that works, go on evolving from there, and YOU come in at whatever point is in the revolutionary stage.

That’s it! Simple, pure, and only experience counts…sometimes it’s pure luck, of course, which is why we all try to make boards.

Sit on the beach in an average and ordinary day. Keep observing the boys out there for a long period of time. It is just the beginning of the whole process. Some will say they dreamed about, other will say that had made a deep research on some strange subject, others that it was created accidentaly. But in my opinion, “performance” is what drives the shaper/designer head. Sure, it has a lot of room for inventioning in surfboard design, but it is unusefull if it doesn’t meet the surfer’s performance needs (or levels).

…experience in trial and errors…

…comprehensive use of simple hidrodynamics…

…the simpliest the better, then go for other stuff…

…watching lot of surfers riding several surf conditions…

…vectors design comp programs…

All done in the head, the most powerful computer on earth. See it in your head and then transfer it into foam. I’m just a lowly carbon based CNC.