how do you get cooperfish swirls.?????

I was just wondering if wnyone knew the best way to get the swirls like clyde betty does on the cooperfish boards?? like when it looks like marble. I really wanna try one. my bro did a basic acid splash… and turned out petty good. I think we needed to thin out the resin a lil so it would bleed more. anyone who has cool ideas are more then welcome. I like the different looks. no more of the same basic designs… thanks, john

…Archive pigment splash.Lots here to see.Herb

thanks ill check it out

Resin colors are a great way to get swirls and stuff but if you dont glass your own its a problem. You can paint swirls and get marble pretty much the same way the fau-finish artists do - with a feather. Get a big feather (dont pluck a pelican - you can get arrested) and a piece of scrap foam. Make a bit of grey (black and white) but dont mix it completely. dip the edge of the feather and use it to drag on the ‘cracks’ in the marble. Then spray a light color over it all (blue is good). Now get the feather and some white and drag more cracks on the board while the blue is still wet. Your board will look like variegated stone (lapiz or turquiose). Mask an area of the board an do this and people will ask you if it was hard to put the stone inlays in. Try different color combinations. You can get swirls by dragging wet paint on the blank with a playing card. Be sure to test first and use paints that dry without bulk. Tempra with a small amount of acrylic additive works well and wont dry in lumps.