how do you wet your laps?

Ran into an old pal today at the auto parts store, he was describing his cousin making his latest longboard. Apparently 'cuz just lets the (solar cure) resin flow off the draped rail and back into the bucket. I know this works, I’ve seen it, but there’s a LOT of drip and loss after the bucket passes by. I’ve always wetted the flat, brought whatever excess resin near the rails, folded the dry lap up onto the deck and poured on only as much more resin as needed. A few passes with the squeegee and it’s ready to fold down and wrap. Advantage: very little waste. Disadvantage: takes more time. The only other method I’ve seen is to let the drip wet the lap, and baste with a brush from the bucket. Again, seems wasteful. Now I don’t think there’s likely any consensus, but what are y’all doing out there?

Charlie. I fold the glass up onto the deck as you do and wet it out with a 2" brush.I don’t use a squeege to lap the rails, I use the 2" brush. I find I get less resin dripping off the board onto the floor and onto myself. Once the rails are done I use the squeege to pull off any excess resin that may be left behind.I also found that I was getting less air on the laps doing it this way.David.

David, Have you done any resin tints with the brush method? Seems like a pretty decent idea especially around the tail and nose. You might be able to distribute the color more evenly, my biggest problem. I kick it the old school way of just pulling the resin toward the rails with the rubber squeegee and letting it drip over the edge. Maybe I ought to try something new. Thanks Drew

Drew. I have not done a tint glass job this way yet, but I have been glassing my boards with Vinylester resin which is a brownish colour so you have to be careful not to leave any excess resin in patches on the board, the way you can with regular surfboard lam.The main problem with the nose and tail is the overlaps. The more layers the darker the colour becomes.I try to cut the tail corners and the nose a different way with each layer to distribute the overlaps over a larger area and spread the colour more evenly.Hope this all makes sence.David.