How Far????

Just for fun.

Using the Ruler Tool on Google Earth post the distance from your home to the nearest surf spot.

I'm 1,124 yards (0.64 miles, 0.94 Kilometers) from a left hand jetty/beachbreak 10th Street in Ocean City, NJ.

howdy mako,

no fun if the nearest spot is crowded all the time hehe might be way cooler to use the same tool/google earth with swell reports to find ‘undiscovered’ (i.e. potential) spots closer to home ? hmm 



howdy mako,

no fun if the nearest spot is crowded all the time hehe might be way cooler to use the same tool/google earth with swell reports to find 'undiscovered' (i.e. potential) spots closer to home ? hmm 




You should start that thread.

Theres a lot of undiscovered spots TO me, haha its called the ranch in Santa Barbara…and i havent found anyone who wants me to surf there super protected waves yet :-( 

I’m not setup to use Google Earth, but before I moved to my current home I lived about 10 yards from Ala Moana Beach park. There were at least 5 excellent breaks within a couple hundred yards, and I could see all of Waikiki from my living room and bedroom. Baby Haleiwa, Big Lefts and Tennis Courts were the closest, so for 15 years, I pretty much surfed only those 3 breaks. 

I moved from the beach up to the mountains, but I still have an excellent view of the waves breaking at Waikiki from my living room, and I can see Courts and Ala Moana park if go out to my back yard. Now I have to drive, but I surf all over. I think it’s been good to go to other spots and see friends that don’t surf Ala Moana park anymore.

There aren’t very any uncrowded spots on Oahu’s south shore, but sometimes the crowd is small and everyone get waves.

My home for the last five months- 80metre walk to beach + 300 metre paddle to a reef thats sometimes good. or a further walk /ride of 1km

to one of the best lefts in the world. (pic) barrels like that for 150 metres

Back at my real home, 10 k exactly to nearest good reef.Straight east. Funny that.

Around 10 to the nearest break, but the one i visit regularly is maybe a few more.

400 yards

a thread about undiscovered spots is stupid, especially if they are close to you, why why why ????

400M,  1,300 ft, or three city blocks to this uncrowded surf spot.

I live in Westmorland CA...look it up. I surf the Salton Sea....2nd biggest inland salt lake in the US. Perfect 2-3 ft mud barrels almost every afternoon. Nobody surfs there except me and my crew of migrant farm workers Pedro and Juan.  I'm about 75 yards  from the lake, but sometimes the smell is a bit much when the sea gulls die off, but that's the price for beach front....right? Anyhow we have tons of beach breaks with a few man made reefs

Here's a few pictures of my spot....not gonna show the surf, we want to keep it semi low key, but if you're traveling give me a shout out and you can hang at my pad!!:


1) here's me in front of my pad getting ready to go fishing

Low Tide at dusk, you can just barely see some of the man made reef we installed

No need to catch fish here, just bring a scoop net!...... Nice!!


Great housing, friendly neighbors......No one bitchy about  "Keeping your lawn Mow'd..Shaping too late or early....Making a big smell with resin..all that shit...A real shaper/surfer paradise!! Although we have gone green around here, we mainly make alaianais and HWS, bees wax coated, with natural sand finish

Pride n Joy of the California State Park System!!


Humble but quite lodging for the traveling surfer.....good prices too!!

I usually put my family up here when they want to "splurge and go upscale" a real treat they do once in a while.  My sister had her renewing of the vows here!! What a party that was...........





thats some funny shit

but you neglected to mention the lovely oasis called Niland and its regal charm


oops,maybe we should keep that a secret

Dam bastard!  I told you to never mention that spot. WTF, this is the internet. 

The Salton Sea Wait (TSSW):

When the wind picks up, and the sets roll in....thats when everybody jumps to action.

Surfers TSSW'ing the afternoon.

Salton Sea Beach Break circa. 2006

Here's Juan doing some "Localization" to an unspecting tourist's car.  He thought it would be funny if he got the car stuck by digging around the front tire...........It worked like a champ!!

Dunno,  Too lazy to Google.  I'm in very north-central Fl.  Closest break is 2.25 hours drive.  Good break, but Nuclear aircraft carriers just across the river and nuc subs less than an hour north.  My favorite spot is the most likely place you would look for in Fl panhandle based on geography.  Biggest crowd I've seen in 30 years was a dozen or less when Gustav came through.  Requires low or hurricane, but oh so fun lefts that just go on and on if the bars are right.



Aren’t you afraid all that googling will grow hair on your palms or make you go blind?

I alternate hands.  It's never been an issue.  I have heard of folks that went mad, but I think it was mercury in the canned tuna.


I live in Westmorland CA...look it up. I surf the Salton Sea....2nd biggest inland salt lake in the US. Perfect 2-3 ft mud barrels almost every afternoon. Nobody surfs there except me and my crew of migrant farm workers Pedro and Juan.  I'm about 75 yards  from the lake, but sometimes the smell is a bit much when the sea gulls die off, but that's the price for beach front....right? Anyhow we have tons of beach breaks with a few man made reefs



I'll be heading over to your area on Sept. 1st for a "humanitarian mission."  Are you going to be out in the water at dawn?  It will be just like Apocolips Now.  Pow...pow...pop..pop...pow..pow... 

Resinhead, been there. Nice thing about the Salton Sea is there are NO SEALs.