I have looked to try and find answer to this but am still not sure. I am in average temps of 50-60f, poly lam coat has gone on top and bottom, it has been left for a week. Is there a time limit that hot coat must go on and or way to get a proper bond with the hot coat if that time limit has surpassed, i.e do i need to create mechanical bond after a certain point. Board has been kept dust free with limited fondling!
Barry is right. As long as it still feels somewhat sticky to the touch it can be hot coated. Over the years there have been times when I have let a board I was doing restoration set for months. Just couldn’t get back around to it. In such a case all that needs to be done is to brush on a coat of Lam resin. Then hot coat as normal. But in your case you have no worries. Lowel
Can’t answer your question, as I have always had the opposite problem. I always try to do things too quickly, and have never had a lam sit too long, a hotcoat cure long enough before I sand, or a gel coat sit long enough before I try to buff it and surf. Lol.