" how many ANTS does it take ...

hmmmm Chippo let me ask u a question: It was ur idea to do a ants fins? hahahahaha 

u stole my idea … if u’ll win something with those fins u know what u have to do: send the prize to me hahahaha

cheer u “ben steeler”



ahhh yes , entirely my own idea , courtesy of an ant plague in my flat , plus the agave leaking dead ants onto my wax paper .


  well, i guess it's the person who puts the ideas into PRACTICE col that gets the prize [or the crap , quite often , eh ?!]


  I must say though , that YOUR winged internal fishtail ['winged buttcrack" ??? ouch ...haemarrhoids board ?! ] is a new one on me , so maybe YOU have really won , already ?


  mate , you need to post the shots of the 'foam'  that  you used to make that board .... so people will realise how HARD you made it for yourself to make your first board ?! when i saw the step by step photo album of that board's progress on fezbjork ...


...maannn , i didn't know whether to be speechless [yes , a RARITY indeed for me !] , shocked , amused , surprised.... or ????


   imagine when you use a real surfboard blank next time,  eh ???  ...that will be "PURE LOOOXOORIE " 


  cheers , ya funny bugger !

