how many is too many?

how many boards is too many to own?

how many boards is too many to own? Just don’t ask my wife, She just can not understand 6 boards in our one bedroom apartment, I told her they were art, she called me an as#ho*e and told me to shutup, anyway I still may need more, no surf gives me to much time to dream. Jim

The question is how much storage do you have? But this will lead to yet another discussion of the merits of the surfmat.

how many boards is too many to own? I have 8 (six are 10’, one 7’8" and one 12’) and my wife doesn’t say a word. It’s so overkill to have that many 10’ boards but she doesn’t mind. Ohh I love her. So I don’t want to find out how many by her definition is too many. However, I think 4 is a good number/mix.

The question is how much storage do you have? But this will lead to yet > another discussion of the merits of the surfmat. Once someone realizes their stealth factor, i.e. being able to store and travel with them anywhere, unseen… well, Ive heard stories of people running around with suitcases full of them, carefully rolled and tucked into bank safety deposit boxes, mats hidden from the wife, girlfriend and other surfers, out of sight in sports bags and backpacks and under the seats of vehicles. Many of the people who Ive built for, have several… and are planning for more.

how many boards is too many to own? They had a thread on this at and most people said 3 was the number. Famous surfer and shaper Johnny Rice says he only owns 2, just thinks it is easier to dial in on a couple boards especially if one does not surf that often. I surf twice a week on average and own three boards. 9’4" high performance longboard, 8’ Jacobs Hybrid, and my new 7’8" Liddle. One more board and I think I would be lost and confused.

I have 10 and a paddle board. I use 4 and I think I need a 9’0" with nose channels.

I have 6. one 6’6 thruster, 7’0 single fin egg, 9’2 & 9’4 2+1 high performance longboards, 9’6 and 10-0 single fins. My girl thinks i am a freak! the problem is I dont have any of them dialed in…i just like to take the perfect board out for the conditions.

man, you got 6 and you’re about to start your first shape? HA! you’ll have a baker’s dozen in no time! right on!

I sure hope so! I know what I like in a board…maybe I will do well…hopefully!! You guys have inspired me to give it a shot! Thanks!!

i am getting my 17th board on thursday. my dad says we dont have enough room so i cant have any more than that. so i guess 17 is the magical number.

Right now I have six,(6’3" quad, 6’10"retro, 7’0" tri, 7’2" stubb, 8’ egg, 9’2" LB) but a couple of them collect dust. I sold a couple others to make room for an old school fish I’ll be getting. Along with the fish I’d like to add a 7’6" semi gun. Shape on! HOOT!!!

built wall racks in the spare bedroom (better than my companies Board Room) for nice and neat storage. Currently have 14 boards with one on the shaping rack. I use three on a regular basis and another 3 if the surf is cooperates.

Someone said to live a righteous, sensible life, keep your possessions to fewer than 2,000 things. More than that and you run the risk of being controlled by your possessions - maybe even greedy. Think about how many things you have in just your kitchen! Not to mention the cabin in Sandpoint, your second sport-utility-locomotive, the hot-air balloon, and the Catalina 30. So, buy a 10’2" retro stepdeck down-egg concave Tudoryamafish, get rid of the chainsaw. Buy a ding-string, say goodbye to a pair of socks. Simple, easy, holy. The rest is up to you.

how many boards is too many to own? I dont know how many is to many, but I know how many is just right. I like to keep things simple so Id say 4 boards covers me quite well at the moment. Presently I have 2 - 9’0" longboards, one modern, the other kind of retro, both single fins. The modern longboard is so versatile that if I had to keep just one board, this would be it. It manuverable, noserides fairly well and can ride the tube pretty good. I have used it in 1-6 ft. waves (Hawaiian scale) with no problems. I also have 2 post modern fishes. I frequently use the 6’4" when not riding my modern longboard, and have a 6’6" fish for a back up. I’m presently working on a 7’0" egg. I plan on shaping it as a scaled down version of the 9’0" modern longboard I love so much. Kind of rounded nose with a rounded pintail, low soft rails, single fin. If anything I’d add something for juicier waves, like a 8 ft fun gun or something. Adding the boards I have now…lets see…2 longboards, 2 fishes plus the egg and a fun gun, makes 6 boards for me (I know I said 4 earlier).

longboard (heavy, single fin) shortboard (not too short, not too light) surfmat & fins i forgot to post my quiver in earlier message

as many as you can store! I’m still learning what works best for me, or at least this is my excuse for cluttering up the house with surfboards. currently I have 4- a staple9’er (driftwood), a beater 9’er (DT) for the days when I am desperate enough to ride shorebreak, a 9’4" performance shape (Harbour) that works well on larger days, and an 8’6" slug (Stewart) that’s good for slowing things down and working on technique. I have yet another 9’er on the shaping rack-my first! that’s going to be a heavy, single-fin traditional shape. I’m looking forward to making a 6’ fish next. Unfortunately, my husband also surfs, so there’s no one to play the “adult” and put their foot down about it. It’s sooo difficult being married to an “enabler” :-)>>> how many boards is too many to own?

as many as you can store!>>> I’m still learning what works best for me, or at least this is my excuse > for cluttering up the house with surfboards.>>> currently I have 4- a staple9’er (driftwood), a beater 9’er (DT) for the > days when I am desperate enough to ride shorebreak, a 9’4" > performance shape (Harbour) that works well on larger days, and an > 8’6" slug (Stewart) that’s good for slowing things down and working > on technique.>>> I have yet another 9’er on the shaping rack-my first! that’s going to be a > heavy, single-fin traditional shape. I’m looking forward to making a 6’ > fish next.>>> Unfortunately, my husband also surfs, so there’s no one to play the > “adult” and put their foot down about it. It’s sooo difficult > being married to an “enabler” :slight_smile: Right now I can store 24 and I have one coming. All classics, except for one 2+1, the rest single fin. Velzy, Hap, Lance, Haut, Hobie, Bing, Eaton, Olson, O’Neal. I feel that someday my son may just make some money on one or more of these. I have a Velzy 11 foot simigun, that has never seen wax, signed by Dale.