How much resin/gap around leash plug

I have moved to using post glassing leash plugs, just to have one less area to make mistakes/bubbles etc.
I amusing the same router jig I made for the pre glass ones, just wondering if I should have more resin (larger hole for fitting plug)? Pic attached, ignore the angle, I know, i fucked up! long story, tried cheating and doing plug at same time as pin line, resin went over the tape so I couldn’t see the pencil line for the correct angle, and took a guess. not far off, but far enough to be damn annoyin!

The ring looks fine, proportional to the bar in the plug.
The angle is not worth the cussing and fussing. Use some of that energy to enjoy the work so far and plan for next time.
Besides, your leash plug is not going to care either when you are in the air going over the falls…