How much resin

How much resin would I need for a 9’2" board. I want to do two layers of 6 oz on top and 1 on bottom. Thanks

Billy: it’s going to depend on several things. How are you going to finish it? Glossed or sanded? Have you ever glassed before?, if not you will want to mix plenty for your laminations. (I’d recommend using uv cure SunCure resin.) Start with a gallon of Silmar 249A, some SA (wax solution), some catalyst and maybe some styrene if you go the cheap route to glossing. Epoxy is an option, a gallon of good epoxy will cost more than polyester but you could do several boards with epoxy from a gallon. Tom S.


With epoxy…9’2" - 24 - 27 oz bottom lam… 27- 33 oz deck lam. 12-15 oz per side for hot coats. Gloss, about 6 - 9 oz. per side. Total would be about 90 oz. (a little under 3 quarts) for a sanded finish, 110 for glossed.