How much weight loss from sanding

Typically , how much weight do you think you take off something like a 6’2" x 19 x 2 3/8 when you sand the hot coat to sand finish ?

If you do a nice glass job nearly nothing.


why don’t you weigh it after hotcoat and then weigh after sanded and subtract the difference. I doubt it is that much

  Depending on how much you actually sand off, usually between 2oz to 5 oz.  If your board weighed 7 lbs. after hot coat, it will barely get lighter after your final sanding.  You need a scale, which I've used, and the difference is surprisingly small.

About 50 to 70 grams for a short board.

Variables here would include pooling effect, kind of resin, application brush and technique, temperatures, shape of the board, and how aggressively you sand it.......

I started reading this because I thought if I started making my own surfboard I could lose some weight when I’m sanding it down.

Silly me , I’ll have to try another way to lose that tummy. Ha Ha

A friend of mine made her own board and she is toned but she has been surfing longer than me.


"I started reading this because I thought if I started making my own surfboard I could lose some weight when I’m sanding it down.

Silly me , I’ll have to try another way to lose that tummy. Ha Ha

A friend of mine made her own board and she is toned but she has been surfing longer than me.


Surfing makes you soooo happy . Yay !!"

This forum has gone SOOOOO downhill.

I don’t have numbers, but I can feel a difference in weight after sanding the hot/fill coat I do with epoxy. But the final coat usually adds that back.

I don’t know about others, but I wear a short sleeve under a long sleeve. The long sleeve is to keep as much dust off me. The short sleeve is usually soaked when I’m done. There’s got to be some weight loss, but I doubt it’s coming off my mid section.


In my humble opinion. Backyard hacks like us don't sand a hotcoat neary enough.  Epoxy or poly resins are just glues for the fiberglass. we use too much for lamination, and we use way too much for a hotcoat.

Hotcoat resin suould be just enough to fill any pinholes or small voids etc. Not some thick layer of goop...remember it adds nothing to the structure except weight.

So with all that said...sand the hell out of it, unless you have figured out how to put down a tight thin hotcoat.   So to answer you question you should sand off between 1/4 to 1/2 of the crap you put on the board if you have a heavy bucket, and a light brush.   if you have a light bucket and a heavy brush..then you are not sanding much at all.

I just finished up a 9'10 x 21 1/2 x 3 long board. #2 EPS, 2x6 top, 1x6 bottom. The whole thing with big fiberglass fin weighs 12 lbs.

i usually lose 2-5 lbs per session before i pass out from heat exhaustion

but then again i’m sanding in a non breathable tyvek suit with a hood, booties and an positive air feed mask to keep the glass fibers off my skin in 80-90 degree heat in the sun.

I’m usually soaked in sweat head to toe when I’m done

not good for your health nor your brain this way of working

surf 4-6 hours in the morning (small board no leash) come in eat a light breakfast take a nap then surf 4-6 hours in the afternoon into the evening
eat a meal of fresh fish and vegetables and hit the sack early and repeat every day for three months
by the end of summer you’ll look like a starving person and be a top notch surfer and body surfer
that’s how we grew up every summer

Pat, as the rest of the relies indicate, a good hotcoat and a good sander, will take off at the most, a  quarter pound on a short board, now when I was at Challenger Eastern in the 60’s, I shaped a 10’0" and Ernie Vohs sanded it down from 32 pounds to 29, but he was a terrific sander. As Resin head said, way too much resin from hotcoats, I block sand my tails, as the damming technique builds up a lot more resin than is needed around the fins and tail. I roll the board on edge and you can see an 1/8th" of build up around the tail, get rid of it, it is serving NO purpose


The first board I built had the samg glass schedule and weighs almost 10lbs…

Unfortunately, it’s 6’0" x 19 x 2 1/2"…

Did I glob on too much resin???

hmmmmmmmmmmmm, or mmmaaayyybe I didn’t sand it enough