How soon do you think ill be back in the water?

Recently I spent four weeks in the hospital after a massive ski accidnet, I broke my neck rib leg and nose. I also injured my spinal cord pretty bad but itonly affected my hands which I fixed. I got two surgeries including a fusion in my neck and a rod in my leg. Here’s the thing- I have a surf trip planned for the end of march. Right now I am in a neck brace tl stabalize my neck. I also can only walk with the walker. By the time my trip comes I will be walking and I will have just gotten my neck brace off. Would it be a good idea for me to get back in the water then? The only board I have is one I bought two months ago- a short board that I am still learning to ride. Please get back to me and let me know if it is a good idea for me to get back in the water? Or will I only ruin the injuries that have healed. Or maybe try a SUP? Lemme know I’m fairly new at this :slight_smile:

I would suggest asking a doctor. We here are just a bunch of dusty knuckleheads with sticky fingers and moderate skin rashes.

While you’re at the doctor’s, why not ask him what the correct catalyst to resin ratio would be for a 72f ambient temp when using Silmar 249-A ?

Thing about asking the doctor- he doesn’t know a thing about surfing. Nobody here surf’s so they all have no idea.

He’s a doctor, for crying out loud!! So, he should know something about your physical condition and the advisability of strenuous activity during your recovery. I don’t ask auto mechanics for medical advice.

And where, pray tell, is “here”?

Sharkgirl: NO surf trip is worth risking your health for. Take time to heal, there will be other trips you can go on. Why risk causing permanent damage to your body that may keep you out of the water forever? Heal, then surf. Just my 2 cents…

Shark girl,

SLOW DOWN!!!!   Sounds like your neck injury was around C5/C6.     I had a similar injury, without fusion, but had some of the disc removed.    In order to paddle prone you must hyperextend your neck  to see ahead of you.    Your fusion will likely interfere with that, as well as be quite painful.    I speak from EXPERIENCE.     It will take longer than your planned schedule to heal, than you are demanding.   Give your body a chance to recover, eh?     Don't trade a life in a motorized chair, for the possibility of catching a few waves.    Truely not worth it.

I'm going to be blunt with you.

You are obviously young because that trama to your body is very serious.  One superman wave drilling, one bounce off the bottom, one back cracking lip to back. neck,spine, leg  will put you in a worse place than you are currently.  How much rehab would a football player go through if they had this kind of injury? What if the SUP hits you in your head?

The problem with surfing is that you can never tell when you are going to get whacked.  Big days small days, good surfers bad surfers..we all get crushed it's pat of the game.  Some get crushed more often than others.  Getting in a massive ski accident tells me one or two things. 1) either you are a terrible skier, or 2) you take huge risks, or 3) BOTH.  This probably translates into your surfing too...?

Are you prepared to get crushed?  Is your fused neck prepared to get crushed? Can you take a punch to that rib and not have it feel like your going to die?

The fact is you might not ever be completely back in surfing. Or your surfing will only be 1/2 it was?   You had some serious shit go broke your neck.


Go on the trip, don't surf...drink and be with your friends. Have fun and take pictures.  There will be many more days to surf in your life. Pushing it might just end your surfing, skiing, walking, and sex life.  we don't want to hear that you became a  neck down cripple because of surfing.  Use you common sense for once.


Please rehab, ask your doctor for advice, he knows


  You’re young, living in the immediate now, and don’t want to ‘miss the fun.’

You have an entire life ahead of you to protect and prepare for, however.  And the right thing to do is put all your energies into healing and then strengthening yourself to the point your doctor and physical therapist give you the green light for unlimited activities.

Once you are that point in a full recovery, time to plan your next surf trip, the first of many you will enjoy over the decades because you did the right thing now.

Surfing for life means making the right decisions as you go through your journey - and the right decision here is to make your recovery priority one.


wheres your parents?????

I pray for you speedy recovery.  I recommend you take it slowly and give supping a chance, as to minimize damage to your neck, and spinal cord.  Getting on and in the water is what its all about.  SammyA 2% is the correct ratio, for the catalysts that most use “norox mekp 925”.

So I had c6-7 fused after rapid deceleration with a 165 pound dog resulted in a crushed vertebrate, ruptured disc and kinked spinal cord.  I was able to go for short paddles 3 months after surgery and short sessions at about month 6.  It was a good year before I was able to get back to 2-3 hour sessions.  Had to switch to longboarding  This being said, I still ache after every decent size session ten years later.  The fusion will put undue stress on the adjacent discs when you arch your back to paddle.  Push to hard and you will be going back to have another level or two fused, then your athletic days are over for good.


Be smart and sit it out a season. 




SharkGirl!  How's it?  LISTEN to the people that have had similar accidents AND your doctor.  He knows how fast (or slow) your muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones will heal. 

I was hit from behind by a van going 60 miles per hour while biking.  Crushed vertibra and disc, damage to liver, colon and spleen, small neck fracture... I woke up a week later.  I was an elite master triathlete at the time.  I recovered (almost 100%) very fast because I had a goal that I set.  I wanted to do a triathlon, and place, within one year.  I too had to use a walker, for a month, because the muscle atrophy zapped me of my strength and endurance..  Prior to the accident I could squat 180# and the accident I couldn't do a squat without using all my arm strength to pull me up!  I did a triathlon within a year and placed.

With the little info that you gave us (given your assumed young age, 15 to 25? ) it seems that if you set a major goal (at least 9 months from now) and work progressively towards that goal you'll recover completely.  'Work Progressively' to me means: work on gradually building your strength, endurance, flexability and balance.  Strength needs to be worked on at least two times a week to build.  Endurance needs at least 5 days a week.  Flexability and balance... daily.

Please don't surf!  I would be reluctant to even suggest SUPing unless it was on dead flat water.  As others have said you have a LONG life ahead of you.'ll find that something good will come of this!

It did for me... I became a Doctor of Chiropractic and my wife went back to school to be a Registered Nurse.

Yours in Health!


All good info, and I think Res. hit a good nail on the head - go and the trip and have a great time…  You’ll have time for many more, and you want to be able to surf the next time.

When your Dr tells you you are ready to ski again, thats when you should be able to surf again.

I figured underneath all G rats hard bark is a big softy… Mike


Sorry to hear about your injuries, sounds like it was a bad crash and your lucky to be alive.  4 weeks in the hospital sounds rough.  I can only assume an extended stay for that period of time is a reflection of the seriouness of your injuries.

I’m sure they have you signed up for PT.  Don’t blow it off.  Instead find a good physical therapist that is action sports oriented.  I had a good one that surfed and used to be a professional water skier.  He’ll be familiar with the unique stress and strains that surfing puts on your body.  Let him gauge your level of healing and listen to what he says.  Because of your injuries your neck is going to need to be stronger than it was before.  If you injure it again so soon after your accident you could have permanent issues for the rest of your life.   

longevity is a higher art form.

radical guys die first.

wake up call is for everyone

except the guy they are holding the wake for.

to die or not to die

you can choose.

if this is the year you turn 12 or 24 or thirty six

you are a dragon ,have mercy on those that care for you,

but if life on the edge is what you must be all about…

have a nice trip.Make all of us at swaylocopolis your 

insurance policy benificiaries.



that guysaid : red necks last words=

watch this … what about thet flying squirrel

base jump guy … bitchin deal…