well , it has now beeen ‘launched’ . Yesterday .
At Lancelin [an hour and a bit Kombi drive from 'Hicksy’s] .We were in the water around 6.30am.
I surfed it in waist high peaks up and down the beach . Pretty empty , and offshore … woohoo !
Paddling out , I noticed the difference ! [ having ridden my 9’ mal for the last few weeks. ]
But , duckdiving was JOY !! [Could really SINK it under !]
5’8" [just!] x 21 1/2 x 2 1/2" feels fun , actually ! [kind of like my wide skateboard , with loose trucks ]. Especially since I rode it as a single fin setup [7 1/2" deep fin] first.
Got 5 lefts kneeboarding .
5 lying down [as per Amby’s example].
Then , 10 or so standing up …mostly lefts !
The slightly concave deck , and the decent amount of nose rocker , felt nicer than my ‘prawn’ , which sometimes bogs the inside nose rail in sucky lefts’ takeoffs.
Backhand , it felt really nice off the top …reminded me of the Nedlands bowl on my wide skateboard …glidey, fast , highline speed .
It will be interesting to try this as a twin fin . And also as a twin keel .
Yesterday, I mainly wanted to feel out the holding power of the single fin , and the rails , and the difference with the nose rocker.
Later , (unfortunately just as the sideshore Northerly blew in [around 9 / 9.30am ish ?] ), I tried it with these bonzer runner-type side fins , but the waves were by then a bit mushy to really tell .
…Anyway ,
I’m STOKED with how it went , so far !!
I can’t wait to get it in some bigger waves , and try the two-fin setups , maybe that’s what I will do with this board …work my way from one to five fins , and report back here from time to time.
…to be continued…
Hicksy , Lavz and I mainly just surfed for the first hour or more [as you do when you see a fairly empty beach with peaks !!] So , we didn’t really get any photos for a while…
As we brought a few boards with us , I also rode a 7’6 funboard of Lavz’s [ and got a couple of fun waves on that !!] , had one wave on the ‘moonrocket’ [before the leash loop pulled off !] , and also rode a 6’8 thruster on a couple …
oh…and did I mention ? …it was 40.2 degrees C . [104.5 degrees F]