How to cut agave straight

Dear surf and Shape enthousiasts,

I have harvested and cut a couple of agave stalks but being new with board shaping and using tools my cuts are not straight.

What are proper techniques to cut perfectly straight with this wood?

Is it necessary that they make perfect contact along side each other or is it possible to fill in holes with glue and sawdust?

I am completely new in this and very eager to start the process and learn all I can.

Big thanks!


Research or google squaring and surfacing rough sawn wood. It will involve a jointer to flatten one edge and a table saw to make a parallel cut opposite the flattened edge.l

I’m assuming this is all hand work and no access to power tools. If you can get to a band saw, that would be the way to go. But with hand tools you can set up a level “sled” or forms for a sanding block with course grit paper glued to it to ride on and true one side up. My past experiences with agave is hand planes don’t work real well because of the sudden density changes within the stalk. Once the one side is flat from end to end and with no twists, you have a reference point to square the three other sides. An electric planer will work well with this material and then the planer can ride on the level forms to set depth and true up. Hope this makes sense.