How to Fix Cut Lap Glass Job

Hey guys so I read through a lot of topics aready on fixing glass jobs and I have a general idea of what to do but I could not find my exact situation so I figured I would start a new post.

Here is what happened:

I glass a PU board with resin and 6 oz cloth on the bottom of the board.

I used cutlap technique with some green in the resin

When I was glassing the board it was either too hot in the room or some sunlight was getting in and the resin was starting to harden

The bottom of the board turned out nice and smooth (no bubbles or anything) but the rails did not get wet enough so at some parts they did not stick all the way up to the lap line.  On other parts the coloring is a lot lighter.  In general the rails are just not as quality as i'd like and i'm not sure how to fix it.

The tail and nose turned out ok with some high spots but I think I can sand that down?

My only thought is to sand it down and when I do the deck make both sets of 6 oz cloth wrap all the way around to the bottom? Not sure how that will turn out?  I am trying to post pictures soon also.



Here are some pictures

  1. The first is my biggest issue because that is such a low point on the rails. Not sure if I should try to add more resin to get it to seal around the rails or just cut it off and let the deck cloth wrap around it?

  2. This is what the tail and nose looks like. I am planning to just sand it down and hope the coloring from the deck does not look too bad

  3. This is the majority of what the rail looks like… I am curious if the spots that still have untouched cloth I could just put resin on now before I glass the deck?

I would mix up more colored resin and finnish the rails

then trim it off and sand smooth then move on

the damage is done

Thanks for the post… I dont believe I can do that because the laps that didnt stay down got some resin on them…


I was told by a friend who also shapes boards the eaisest thing to do would be to try and cut at the lowest point of where the resin did seal the glass (which would be way closer to the deck than I would like) becuase then the color would come out more cleanly.  Are there any issues with doing this?  I would then glass the decks and have both cloths wrap around the rails… Could this work?

What Kensurf says. 

I would wet the rest out with tinted resin, trying to get the glass as tight to the foam as you can under the circumstances - once it dries, sand the high spots out, being careful to avoid hitting the foam.  Then proceed from there as per normal.

I've seen way worse, I think you'll have a pretty nice glass job in the end.

Pics are not the greatest, and I didn't fully follow your narrative, but that's my 2 cents' worth =)

welcome to the club.

this is the required 

goof up that every one get to make.

the club is not a fraternity

it is a large wooden implement

to beat youself about the head.

fill and sand is the rx.

hot coat?

yes if you hot coat you don’t bruise

the glass then will never wet out

making white stuff in the lap.

nex time

sure form off when green then hot coat 

maybe this time 

put another layer of suplement glass to sand mostly off

you can and will try everything 

but there is nothing better than doing it right

the first time.

fix this before going farther 

make a perfect surface before

making a double complex of shit laps.

appologies to all the ship lap

affectionados out there visiting from boat land.

get used to this uk up you will see it in your sleep

and whenever you see the board for the rest of your life.

its not just humbling ,it is one of the building blocks of being cool 

about the frivolity of surfing.if you fall off so what ,you get wet.


wait a week to go pro

Thanks for the advice and encouragement… it is definitely a growing experience for sure