How to fix: Weird creasy things that don't go across the entire board

Got this board of a mates with these weird crease things. He seems to think his leggie made them? Sort of crease type things.
See pics.
Anyways I was wondering how to go about it?
Sand the channels of the creases down a bit, fill with individual cloths, sand, hot coat.
Or add a larger diamond layer over the whole area as well? sand, hotcoat.

The ones closest to the rail have cracked the rail so I’ll lap them to the rail after sanding it a bit to grip.


Looks like the board was dragged over something. Certainly not creased. Any parts that look like it might be taking water should be patched. Otherwise, I wouldn’t bother.

You are joking right? Those little crease things are where the board over flexed.

Your board is buckled… Broken. Sand it down and reglass. See where the little broken glass thingy on the rail is…The rail is snapped and leaking. If you look closely you have a leaking brown spot on the other rail to. You caught it early, but a buckle is like being a little pregnant… There is no such thing as a little pregnant.

Trust me it sounded weird to me too! The “crease things” have ever so slightly cracked glass in the bottom of them, some not at all. I’ve just never seen it is all.

Just throwing it out there to see if anyone had a differing approach. I think the dirty bit of the rail is where I’ve started sanding the wound. Hard to show it in certain light, best I could do. Def creases and not “dragged across anything” cause where we are there’s fuck all reef

Possibly from a hard landing, from an air drop. Resinhead spotted it right off.

Yeah cheers, so general consensus is to sand down and glass the entire area?

When I first viewed the pics it was hard to see. I was on my laptop in bright light. A second view in better light tells me I didn’t see the whole story.
Unlike some others here, I will admit when I’m mistaken.

Sammy you were partially right. Ive seen some that the rails haven’t cracked yet…just creased. Any how sand down the area, especially around the rails…if any glass is loose make sure you get it out. Just reglass around bottom and laps with some 6 oz. I’m assuming the deck is ok?
It wont break in the spot you reglass…but it might break some place else. Just ride the heck out of it. its now on borrowed time.

Partially right about what? Patching anything that will leak water? That’s a no brainer.

When the owner said it was his legrope I was dubious, but I’d never seen multiple creases like that, always a major snap or massive line (like in my sci fi after landing on it)

No damage to the deck. Sanded it and smeared a tiny bit of filler in the obvious cracks and crevices, will glass with 6oz.

Thanks for the help gents, as bristly as resinhead comes across, he’s got good advice!

The strength of a board comes from the rails. if you patch those good the board will live a slightly longer life. But with that said, some buckles are worse than others. Without sanding, picking and prying to see what is loose I can’t tell you exactly what to do. And so is the curse of the internet. You more than likely will need to band the whole board in 6 oz cloth…that should be about $80 for one side, and $110 for both sides

For $500 bucks you could send it to me and i’ll fix it for you? I’ll even make it real pretty …If not then you are only going to know after you get in there. Tell your mate to quit chucking his board on set waves and learn how to duck dive.

I clicked this thread and got a few adds for awesome Russian Brides… sweet momma Jesus…!!!
I done with buckled boards…give me the Russian Bride in the tight red dress!!! WOWZER