How To Install A Longboard Center Fin Box

I know how you feel.

I’m surprised surfding hasn’t posted.

You posted some helpful information with visuals.  Everybody wins.

Thanks for starting this thread… serious.


Serious question: how would you do this with hand tools, no electricity and no jigs?



Serious question: how would you do this with hand tools, no electricity and no jigs?


Hey BG, to answer your question- very carefully.  Oh yeah, I also checked your blog, It is nice to see the flow, very cool I have a carve board, that I got from Joe Gerlach, (Brad’s dad) that the worlds best ever surf artist Al Dove got me into.  Yeah the world’s best ever surf artist that most of you have never heard of.

Back in the day, I would install the fin box (Waveset I believe) in the foam first, after shaping – tools were razor, razor knife, pocket knife and chisel.  Tape it.  Laminate.  Trim the glass from over the taped fin slot with a single-edged razor.

Don’t know if this could be done with a Boehne/Fins Unlimited box though.  Have never tried.

Hey Ray,

Nice writeup.  That is the same way we install our finboxes at the factory minus that epoxy garbage!!! :)  Just kidding!  Do you wipe it with acetone pre-install?  Also afterwards we do a 4oz cap over the box.



Seems I was too hard on you by noticing the drips you left on the rails, I guess even though I was trying to help, and you invited criticism your not ready for it.  I have spent far too much time building boards and still enjoy it and have made pretty much all the mistakes but always had took note of how it could be done better.  Master craftsman maybe, master technician definitely, when applied to surf-crafts.  In the future thinskinray please do not ask for a critique, or jokes,  because you can not take it.  I have been called a know-it-all to my face, as well as, behind my back, my personality is border line acerbic.  But you will never find me here, whoring out myself or boards like many here like to; I don’t need to; just sharing stuff I learned the hard way.  I am not a look at me, how cool am I, I am so proud of my work, I want to sell you something, guerilla spin doctor. If anyone is insulted sorry.  I think I may be moving out of the ghetto soon, the neighborhood just is not that cool. 

You can pass on information your knowledge without sounding like a dick though, that would be awesome, and much appreciated, and you obviously know your stuff, so please don't stop contributing, maybe just tone down the attitude?.



I may sound like a dick, but I am not a kook, two turns and a wipeout.  Surfing is more than that to me.  And so is board building.  I am the guy in the line up that usually gets the best waves at the best times at the right spots with really nice boards, and that always pisses off people like you.  Seems to piss off a lot of people.


How To Install A Longboard Center Fin Box



I may sound like a dick, but I am not a kook, two turns and a wipeout.  Surfing is more than that to me.  And so is board building.  I am the guy in the line up that usually gets the best waves at the best times at the right spots with really nice boards, and that always pisses off people like you.  Seems to piss off a lot of people.


It sounds like you are seeking more respect.  Pointing out peoples problems doesn't necessarily get you that kind of respect.  If you want that from this site, then do as Ray says and post up some projects with pictures and descriptions.  Bill Barnsfield, and Greg Loehr come to mind as industry pros that have been very generous with their knowledge. 

It is nice to have you on Swaylock's.  I guess we just need to get used to you.  I wouldn't ask you to tone it down, just like I wouldn’t ask Resinhead or Thrailkill to tone down their attitudes.  Take it easy on Ray.  If you read through his old posts you will find that he knows what he is doing.  You may have experience making production boards, but he knows how to get the most out of a garage situation.  I have learned a lot from Stingray.  I have even marked this as a watched thread, so that I can reference it later.


Rough Rails = Fin Box Installation?

I believe the invitation to critique, joke et. al. was about fin box installation.

Who gives a sh!t about rails in a fin box installation thread?

Funny .   No comments by me necessary.

Serious question: how would you do this with hand tools, no electricity and no jigs?


Answer: Strictly Glass-on.


P.S. Think about what an pain in the ass a steam powered router would be.

      Howzit ghetto, Did you know Bobby Allen when he worked for Noll. He liked to tell me a story about him telling Greg to get F&^%ed and Greg was goin to kick his ass but Gary Thernagle stepped in and stopped the whole thing. If you knew Gary then you know how huge he was even if he was not a fighter but his size alone could make you think twice about getting in his way. Gary was a great laminater and he was my mentor that taught me how to glass and build boards during the Plastic Fantastic days. I understand from Bob (Russel) Brown that Gary passed away a few years ago and he was an EMT then, I know when I would see him he would take his hand and start feeling my neck looking for lumps. Just goes to show he knew that working with resin and especially styrene we were playing with cancer fire and I caught on fire. Aloha,Kokua

Sorry.  This a fin box thread.  For this question, no glass-on fins or steam powered routers allowed.

Only hand-held steel with a fine edge and/or the blunt force of a hammer.  Masking tape, fiberglass glass cloth and epoxy or PE resin are permitted.


    Howzit stingray, So nobody has answered my question about the white actually being sanding dust and I wish you would tell me if it is. Aloha,Kokua


    Howzit stingray, So nobody has answered my question about the white actually being sanding dust and I wish you would tell me if it is. Aloha,Kokua


No, not dust....just major hack marks from my rasp file........

For now on My Name Is Thin Skin Ray.......too pro needs to name drop to keep up with backyard hack....

No anger boys..........I'm here to have fun............and.....

yes , my dark colors on Low Grade EPS Foam does not look too good. I don't I have the grammer right................right?

Maybe we can get some photos...maybe....

I'm all smiles right now....thanks for taking me away from my real problems....

Have a great day....

ThinSkinRay...a.k.a Stingray...a.k.a. Ray


Hey Ray, Sorry If I caused you any travail.  And in your defense, epoxy tends to weep and form drips along the bottom rail especially when one hot coats the deck before it reaches cure.  Now this will maximize matrix adhesion and minimize carbamate rise so I understand why the drips occur.  Try telling that to production sander, or some of the people on this board.  

At any rate, this is a thread about installing center fin boxes as the internet nazi’s have informed me, so as tangential as I can be, it is hard for me to stay focused on anything too long including this thread.  In my defense I do not need to drop names to get credibility, I did this because those guys deserve much more recognition than they have received.  The guys I mentioned are incredible craftsmen, and it has been an honor to be around them, and all the other heavies, I been around.  They have taught me much and well.  I know that I am not the easiest person to get along with, but I do try to do the right thing.  

I will leave you with a bit of wisdom I learned from Ol’ Solomon:  As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.  


I feel much sharper.