Hi Frank,
I am certainly not the best one to answer your question, as a lot of guys here have way more experience than I have but I will try to answer with the little I know and how I would do it.
Did you use Poly Resin or Epoxy Resin?
In the image you’ve sent, I am not sure the splatters were done with resin, but maybe with acrylic paint after a green resin lam, which allows you to have a thinner material to deal with as acrylic is way less thick than resin.
Anyways, if I had to do the same stuff with Poly resin I would do it this way:
I would do it in the lam and not as a foam stain ( I guess you could do it as a foam stain too).
I would prepare my fiberglass layer, put tape on the other side of the board for my cutlap etc.
Prepare a mix of green (you will need a lot of this one, at least enough to cover an entire side of your board
Prepare a mix of black (you will only need a little bit of this one, just for the platters
I would use a brush to “throw” the black resin on the fiberglass then wait a little bit to make sure the fiberglass is fully saturated with the black resin splatters
Then I would pour all of my green resin mix so it covers the entire board, remember, the first color that hits the foam is the one that will stay, and here you want the green resin to fill every white spots left after your splatters (all the foam that does NOT contain any black resin here).
When the board is fully saturated with the green resin, I would then use a squeegee and lam as normal, the black splatters would remain and the rest of the fiberglass filled with green resin.
I hope it helps, maybe not with your current project tho. If you cannot get rid of the extra resin…what I would do is a fill coat (clear) to make the board flat (like a hotcoat), then sand it flat (sand it so there is no shiny spot anymore, but don’t sand it more that necessary, and don;t use a power sander if you don;t know how to sand flat with one, too risky here) and then laminate clear over it, but maybe other guys have better options than this one, as it may add weight to your board + the risk of sanding through the fill coat and hitting the foam etc.
If I had to do the same stuff with Epoxy, I would first do a foam stain with the primary color (green) and with Resin, not paint, and then do the splatters in the lam (black resin splatter) and fill the non splattered surface with a big batch of clear resin mix to fill the rest of the board and then use a squeegee etc.