How to Resin Tint?

Master Glasser newest DVD won’t be in my hands for another week. I’ve heard three different ways to resin tint - tint with the lam coat, tint with the hot coat, and tint with the gloss coat. I imagine all three ways will show diff results. Can anyone tell me them?

Tint with lam coat. Yellow is a good one for first try.

How about orange or lime green? It’s a fish.

Always lam coat.

Orange fades and gets streaky.

Lime green is very tough to make even, unless you mix some yellow pig to the tint mix. Very tricky.

I just did a lamination with R.R. epoxy I used equal parts of white and yellow to make it somewhat opaque to get good coverage and protect the foam from yellowing. The lap line melded well tomorrow I’ll hot coat the bottom. I’ll post photos when the board is done. Yellow is a very practical choice for many reasons.

I don’t think that it makes much difference whether it’s epoxy or poly different tints will present different circumstances. Choose what you will but remember some colors are best taken on after many many years of experience. Each one presents a new challenge and some require cut laps and no matter how you squeegee it resin tints are tricky.

Mix all you colored resin first and make sure you make a little bigger batch than the think you’ll need. Running out of the colored batch is unacceptable.

Mahalo, Rich

on a slightly different thread, an acid splash is done with just pigments, right?

Definately do the resin tint on the lam it gives a much deeper colour. If you are worried about the colour and even coverage. Take the colours you want premix in seporate containers through them together give 2 brief sturs, laminate and you have yourself a cool resin swirl. Its as easy as that.

I did a tint on the hot coat because I was glassing an unsealed EPS blank and didn’t know how much resin would soak in. I made the mistake of not sanding the lam coats well enough and then when I went back to sand the (tinted) hotcoats I got some white spots showing through. But after all was said & done it turned out well enough.

If I was doing it over, I might consider sealing the EPS blank with a tinted catalyzed resin + microballoons coat before laminating anything.

color the lam, but do yourself a favor, get good at laying up, doing cut laps, and sanding boards FIRST, then try adding color. Keep it simple, in other words…

color the lam, but do yourself a favor, get good at laying up, doing cut laps, and sanding boards FIRST, then try adding color. Keep it simple, in other words...

Yeah, what he said. But I was trying to hide dirt, scuff marks, ugly foam, and glue lines. It worked!

Well, your board has nice lines. Regardless of what imperfections you had to cover up, I’d rather have a board that works than one that looks perfect!