Canoe Paddle surfing becoming popular is inevitable. Here’s some of the things to know right off the bat…
1. Awesome paddle speed. You can cover plenty ground in a surf session. I’ve surfed 7 different spots in a single session. That’s the kind of mobility and paddle speed you can get out of this form of surfing…
2. Getting in the waves early. You can get in waves super early which allows you to surf spots that normally you’d pass up because they are to fat or hard to get into…
3. On top of being able to get around quickly, its nice to just take it all in while cruising along. Because you’re upright you can see more and basically enjoying the paddle almost as much as the surfing part… Very cool!
4. You will get into awesome shape if you aren’t already… Canoe paddling whips your butt!
1. The boards are big and hard to handle. Especially if you are gonna get into Stand Up. Boards 11’ and over are the norm… Lugging around a giant board is not for everyone. Just a simple thing like turning around to catch a wave is a challenge. Throw in having to hang on to the paddle and you have a recipe for being a huge KOOK!! No matter what in the beginning you are gonna be a Kook at it!! Windy days are the worst… If you have no channels, you are gonna be bummed punching through waves. Whitewater will mow you down!
2. Wipeouts are bad. Expect to have to hold your breath longer. You will be dragged under water far. When the board hits you, man does it hurt! Putting a leash on the paddle is out of the question unless its tiny so expect to go hunt for it after you eat it… When you do get caught inside on big days, you will curse your decision to do this! Hahaha! When it happens to you, make sure you tell us about it. We all want to hear about it! Hehe… Honestly, you have to be focused and dedicated to it to get any good at it. Its harder to do then regular surfing by far…
3. Other surfers in general DO NOT LIKE THIS! Don’t expect to be greeted with smiles and cheers… Expect snarls and jeers! Haha! Best thing to do is avoid crowds all together. Surf out of the way places or off hours when the crowds are thin… When learning it just stay clear of EVERYONE altogether. Use common sense so no one gets run over by your freight train log!! Surf with Aloha… Be smart and safe. If you are one of the jerks taking advantage of others with this form of surfing I hope they tar and feather you!
4. Its expensive. Everything is more expensive than regular longboards by far. Materials alone will make the average surfer cringe. I was talking to a famous big wave rider who does this on occasion and he told me no way would he buy one for himself when it would be a very part time thing. He just borrows them because the cost is so high…
Before you jump head long into this thing you may want to try it first. Most people who I let try my set up said never again. Not worth it to them to have to spend so much time and money to do it. Not only does it take a lot of focus but in the end your surfing takes a different path. Forget under the lip snaps or any really tight turns for that matter and a lot of surfers are not willing to give that up… Throw in everybody treating you like you have advanced stages of Leprosy and then the whole positive vibe gets knocked way down…
Why do I do it? Well, first and foremost its fun as sh*t because I’m into different things to begin with… I started off Stand Up paddling alone at remote reefs. One day I brought my short paddle and found out it was even funner for me. After months of gradually advancing my skills on it I was able to go out on some fairly hefty days. I payed a lot of dues in the form of long swims from broken leashes to brutal hold downs to losing 200 dollar paddles to having a 12’ board gong me on the head among other things…
BUT, I still am hooked to it. In fact, I have a couple boards being made by someone who I think is by far the best, progressive Canoe Paddle surfing board builder in the world. Without asking I know he wishes to remain anonymous so I won’t even hint at who he is… Why don’t I build them myself? Because this guy is the best. Period. I have one shorter than 9’ and a big wave gun being made. I’ll have the 2 Munoz boards and those 2 and I’m set for anything.
So all in all, I have no problem passing on all the knowledge I have on this subject. Its gonna happen no matter what so I feel we better get people ready for the reality of what they are getting into… I’m not the pioneer or the ultimate expert by any means…But I know enough to pass on the important information to help this grow responsibly and in a positive direction. It is a VERY DANGEROUS form of surfing when done around others. You better know your sh*t because bad things can happen quickly. I’m hoping that all of you that do get into this take the approach of teaching others to be safe at it and surf with Aloha.
Some pics of the stoke…
The Entry…
Part of the learning curve… A split second before getting drilled…Haha!
Flying along…Enjoying life…