To get a board sanded good enough, it just takes me ages!
Going slowly with my Festool Orbital fine sander
To get it real fine without scratches, i start with 100 grit
Keep the sander flat best i can
Then go up 150, 180, 220, 320, 400 and it does look very nice, feels nice too
Costs me a lot in paper, about 12 bucks worth of paper, but if guys who don't surf say the board is well finished, i am happy for sure.
Start sanding the highs, let it slip to the low parts, middle towards rails.
Rails i try and sand only with the papers from 220 up and a super soft pad, or i will see fibreglass, and i don't want to see that no more!
Padwise... i try and skip the hardest ones, they bite into concaves and vees
I only sanded epoxy ones, so i don't know about poly [thank god?]
Epoxy can get a bit hot and deform if you stay in one place, so you need to move around
So how about your style, what machine or machines do you use? And what do i do wrong?
Woopsy from Holland