how to use a boogie board....

  1. as a pool toy

  2. as a tray for serving drinks on

and ,

  1. best use ?

when your car gets bogged…

better with at least three boogers lined up under each wheel , I’ve found , on those particularly muddy tracks… [at a pinch , if they won’t let you borrow their …er …“boards” , the riders under each wheel will do the same job…]


Or as a prop for a goofy dork pic…

Thumbs up for that one…


Or as a prop for a goofy dork pic…

Thumbs up for that one…


Glad to see you still have your priorities right chip.

oh but Greg, I really LOVE my boogers !! [as long as they stay IN my nose!]

…see ?? [this is my hot buttered stubbie fish tail finless mutant board]

two thumbs up , just like Roy and H.G…

… most boogers I’ve met have two thumbs up […right up …their clackers !]


Hey Chip… do car’s in Australia often get bogged on concrete? do they really make concrete out quick sand there? soft spots?? :slight_smile:

Quick explanation…it’s a Ford…


Hey Chip… do car’s in Australia offend get bogged on concrete? do they really make concrete out quick sand there? soft spots?? :slight_smile:

if you look REAL closely ben , you will see that it’s not the concrete that’s the problem .

Here , we make our tyres cheaper …out of licorice…

The ground get soooo hot here that you need to seperate the tyres from the bitumen if they’ve been sitting too long.

Boogas make great spatulas/egg slides for that purpose…

Never riden one but usually buy them with the rest of the esky.


Never riden one but usually buy them with the rest of the esky.

ah… there you have it !!

…a perfect example of what happens when Aussies take over a thread !!

"…B-E-E-Y-O-O-T-I-F-U-L-L-L-L !! ’ A coupla days !! ’ she’ll be roit , mite ! "


Another use:

Yet another purpose for these insidious, communist, terrorist, soul sucking, sponges, spawned by the corporate Lucifer.

Chip that is totally sweet! and you call me mr magoo!

You must have the most enormous photo collection ever on your computer, there is a new one on every post ( thought i do enjoy the simpsons ones the best)