How wide of a board can I glass with 30" fiberglass???

Planning a few builds.

Looking at glassing a couple boards 23" ish wide and about 3 1/2" thick.

Obviously the rails won’t be a full 3 1/2" thick.

Will 30" glass give me enough for laps???

Freelaps yes. No problem.

Cutlaps may be tough.

What Barry said…

Thanks guys.
I guess after I shape the blanks, I will use a 30" piece of string to see what I can do.

1-1/2" freelap easy.  A little more than that actually, but for sure 1-1/2".   I make more money selling 30", but 27" does most boards.  

If you’re up for an audience for any of these builds, I’ll bring you some beer and would love to watch…

I’d love to have you over Jon!
I will keep you posted. These builds are probably at least a couple months out.
I lost your number though so shoot me a PM.

I glassed a board that was 23" wide and 2 1/2" thick with kind of knifey rails and 30" cloth was more than enough…  I DID measure with string to find how high up I could make my cut laps on the board…

It was this board:


Just now got to look at your graphic on a computer screen JRandy.

That is cool! Thanks for posting.


1 1/2" cutlap is plenny McDing… Thanks!


Da5id, that is encouraging! Thanks!

Create a 3" lap along the stringer and you could easily glass a 50" wide board if you think outside the box.

You are welcome Chrisp, I am glad you liked it. The other comments and the board pic are awesome too.

The graphic is from using a nice newer feature in Boardcad , export DXF polyline of a section.  I took their ‘funboard’ model, scaled it to your dims, and output the wide point section. Then I read the DXF file into Draftsight to scale (meters to inches), listed the perimeter, offset the perimeter to guessitmate the laps, and added the dims and notes.

I have done 3 wide/thick boards splitting 60" x 6oz cloth into 30" as that’s what the local composite shop sells. Chalk line, ping-pong table, sharp scissors. Just watch that the cloth doesn’t slide during the lamination to be short of the tape on one side of the cut lap.

Here is a 9’7" 23" wide.  It has a narrow cutlap with a light blue inlay.  I could have gone a little wider on the cutlap. 

Create a 3" lap along the stringer and you could easily glass a 50" wide board if you think outside the box.

That is thinking outside the box Mako! I hadn’t even considered that.


Looks great Bluenose!