hulls in santa cruz??

do any of you swaylocks guys (or gals) who live in santa cruz ride hulls around town? where do you ride them?

i thought i spied a liddle hull in the parking lot at the hook on sunday morning. i planned on approaching the guy once we were out in the water but it didn’t happen - i saw him get out of the water after about 15 minutes. would a hull work well at sharks? privates?

do any local shapers make them? i have a “what??” on order from stretch. when i ordered it he said it was hull inspired… i guess i could ask him.

Marc Andrienni (spelling?) makes a bunch of them. He works out of Pacifica, but has a bunch of them glassed in the Haut shop. I know Kalu Coletta was glassing a bunch of them before he left to the north shore this winter. His hulls are a bit different from Liddle’s. I would say they are much more forgiving than the Liddle, since the rails are super blade sharp. I’ve seen a few Liddles on the eastside, but it really looks like it needs a good lined up wave for it to get going. There’s really only one specific wave in the Eastside that would satisfy the Liddles…

If you have trouble getting in touch with Marc (he’s a master) try Nick Palandrani at 345-8831. Nick is a local shaper and can put you in touch with Marc. The two of them are quite close and do some collaborative work.

No Worries, Rich

although i mostly surf rockview…

i ride my hulls everywhere…

sewers, point, 38th, lil’ windandsea, 26th,

and of course the indicator…

i think bob miller makes a nice hull

ask motif

otherwise just go up

to mollusk in sf at ocean beach…

they have plenty of hulls

thanks Rich

thanks tony

thanks dansan

Yes, they do work well in Santa Cruz. Any of the lined up point breaks in town are good hull spots. I prefer to ride mine when the surf is at least chest-shoulder high, but you can have fun on smaller days as well. I thought that the deep 9" fin might tend to snag on the kelp but it hasn’t been a problem. Be sure to give yourself enough time to figure out the way to ride it. It might take several sessions, so don’t give up too soon.

john from mollusk

just told me has a bunch

of hulls coming sundayish…

good luck…

i told him you might stop in…

Tommy…Go see Bob Miller. He has been shaping a lot lately and is really into the shape. Fat…short…long…wide…anything. He will work with you. If you want to see someone clean house on a hull…go watch MOTIF surf one. It would make anyone run out and buy the same day. Bob shapes really easy to surf versions. The other guys would be Marc or Nick P. from Source or GP Surfboards(he is the shaper for both). As far as where…anywhere you want. I’m in the camp that they work in a lot places,the best being somewhere were you can let them run a bit. Good Luck.

I have a few if you want to borrow one, let me know in a PM…

Otherwise, B. Miller is the one for my hulls… really dialed in right now.

He will really listen to you and what you are looking for.

Nick P. is also making some really nice ones too.


thanks trimglide. i sent motif a pm.

i’m curious about hulls, but i think my wife would have a cow if i came home with a new board right now. i’ve been reshuffling the quiver a bit, buying and selling… in fact, brought home a new custom longboard last night (shaped by dane perlee). can’t wait to try it…

there’s a 6’6" fineline mp

for sale in the ads section…

a good board…