Hurricane Matthew

This is a cruel storm.  After whacking Haiti and the Bahamas, it will rake the East Coast of Florida, all death and destruction and no waves.  Then it is projected to loop back around and whack Florida a second time.  Meanwhile a perfectly good TS, Niclole,  is sitting out there just meandering and doing no harm to property and would be a wave maker except for Matthew. 

Our friends on the EC may need our help next week.  Certainly need our prayers.


Swell in the water but garbage winds for the foreseeable future.  Our friends up on Long Island, New York might get swell with decent winds this weekend but otherwise this storm is looking like a bust for the whole east coast.

certainly a bust for Haiti

God Speed Mr. Tate.

Thanks Tblank.  We are safe for now on the west coast but Mike Daniel, and a bunch of Sways buds are currently getting their homes bashed in and will be without power for potentially weeks.  Steamy, mosquito filled non AC days and dark nights.  Water service will remain but likely the sewage pumping will be limited.  Been that, done there.  This is just one bad ass crazy hurricane.

check this website for hurricane wind:,-87.979,5

This website has been updating twice a day with a very indepth review of conditions and affecting variables:

The jeff masters wunderblog is also a great source if the NHC oficial report is too lacking of details for you, and you are sick of the regular medial outlets.  the reader comments on the bottom will also post the latest  high Def radar and satellite loops  for easy viewing, posted by some weather nerds.


I have to refresh mine frequently

Yep, looking like a bust unless you know where to go. :slight_smile: cough(chesapeake bay)cough

Hey Greg, thanks for the concern and I figured I’d better check in here…

We got really lucky last night and the core of the storm with 100+mph winds stayed just offshore. I have a fair amount of tree damage but house if fine. We even have electricity and internet!

However Matthew is whacking other areas right now, so this isn’t close to over for all.

So glad to hear Mike.  Surf report please? ha.

Check out this pic of Daytona Beach, just prior to Matthew’s arrival


Video from Daytona, yesterday


That video makes me wish I was 10 or 15 years younger when I would have been chasing the storm and drooling to paddle out.

Sammy - Thanks for posting the pic and vid.  i lived in Daytona for 5 years in the late 70’s early 80’s makes me a bit nostalgic.  Glad to hear the move to the east by Matthew lightened the blow to Fla


The flooding disasters are probably going to be the biggest impacts of Matthew, but just speaking for myself after busting my arse in the yard all day yesterday I don’t care to see (much less pick up) a chainsaw or machete for a year or two.

Still thankful for no structural damages at my place, although I haven’t been up to my shaping room yet so I don’t know how that roof fared. But… Florida’s beaches are in serious danger because our idiot governor has suspended all the rules on coastal armoring. If every oceanfront property owner who wants a seawall can build one, we won’t have any beaches left in the future. Armoring destroys beaches and they can’t do dredge and fill beach “replenishment” fast enough to keep up. Even though we already have numerous examples of this in the state already, here we go with more…

Hey Sammy, where in daytona did you take that video from , I am in ormond by the sea

Wow!  I apologize for saying,but that is beautiful. I’m refering to sammy’s photo. Not Mike’s comment.  Mike


Anyone heard from cleanlines?

How about mako, DaveD, Dwight, or others in The Carolinas?

It’d be nice just to hear a status report from those in the affected areas.

Hoping everyone fared ok.


I’m in Wilmington (Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, Topsail, etc) and we made out OK. Some trees down and a bit of debris but overall we got off pretty lucky.

Inland from us really suffered badly due to flooding. Lumberton, which is 1.5 hours west of us had a levee break which devastated a bunch of homes. I-40 and I-95 were both closed in multiple areas over the weekend due to flooding.

There are a bunch of pig farms upstream of us on the Cape Fear River, so I worry about water quality issues for the next few weeks.

Good to hear you are OK.