HWS - Another way...

…to insert a rib through a stringer…

Insert horizontal, lock into the vertical by rotating it.  Too cool.  

Paul, you were saying a while back that you were working with someone on cutting your frames with a cnc router. From the looks of that picture I would say that those joints were cut with a cnc router? What kind of machine (shop bot) and what programs are needed to do the cnc frames? How about doing one off boards with cnc ? Would be interested in what ever you have to say about cnc router constructed boards ?

One of the guys from my Portugal '08 class sent that to me over a year ago…Not sure how it was cut…

Frankly, I’m not interested in learning the whole CNC / CAD thing…I don’t get the same creative buzz pushing and pulling dots  on a computer as I do doing full size curves and layouts in the shop… Call me old school…

Another factor is the time and cost to cut frames on a CNC machine…I can get the result I want with my Festool router with a rub collar and my full size patterns…Low cost and low tech comparitavely…

I figure it takes me abot a half hour to create a pencil on plywood set of templates…Another hour to turn those pieces into router patterns and ten minutes to cut out a set…That I’m happy with…Ten minutes to replicate another couple sets if I want (2 at a time)…

Not saying it’s better or worse, it’s just the way I do it…


P.J. would this HWS need more than one center rib piece to keep the cross sectional ribbing straight.  Each placed lateral of the center so the ribs dont warp near the rails?  I like the vent holes added in the key hole slots..  This guy should post the build progress.  Thanks for sharing.

Hmm...second glance thought here, I wonder if the board would glide across the garage like a model plane with all the pieces show put together. 


Insert horizontal, lock into the vertical by rotating it.  Too cool.  



...I might have missed that part, the ribs rotate after being inserted?  Makes more sense!

This method looks interesting.  I just curious about why you did it this way.  How is it better than making simple notches?  Also, I don't see how they lock into place.  I assume that you still need to make notches in the ribs, right?