Hybrid Swallowtails

Decided move this up to a fresh posting…better to get everyone’s input. Surfhungry’s post is quoted below and is what led me to the question I’m throwing out here. I can’t seem to keep enough of the 7’11’R blanks around. Either from posts here or because it’s all I had at the time I’ve used it for several shapes. The results have been good overall. These boards are wide, floaty shapes, 6’8"- 7’2", 17"x22"x16.5, twins/twinzer with 8.5" to 10.0" between the trailing tips. (Posting some pics in “Hybrids” soon) I’m interested in some of the finer points of toe in, fin cant angles and bottom concaves. I’ve been using a small ammount of concave on the entry areas and on through the twin fins. I’ve noticed some posts from others who use something like the reverse of this, noting slight V’s off each of the trailing tips. What are your thoughts on this or Tom **Herb- this latest board is fitted with the charger/twinzers you sent me. Hasn’t been in the water yet but the guy who got it will be a good source for feedback. Keep you posted as it comes in. ts>>> I too love this type of ‘Hybid Swallowtail’ and it’s inherent wave > catching and pumping attributes, except mines 6’11". Also love the > 7’11R blank never had a lemon from one of these blanks. But can I suggest > the 7’4R it’s also a gem. No need to cut ever cut off more than 4" of > foam or your really getting into soft foam. I don’t like the 7’0R though, > it lost that fishy/planing feeling I got from the larger 'R’s for this > type of Hybrid. One little secret from a rabid pumping speed > seeker,…bottom concaves…that’s the ticket on a thicker, wider > hybrid swallowtail, and don’t toe-in the fins much more than 1/8" > after you get over the 6’10" length.

The 6-11R is a good blank,also the 7’-3" Becker,and the 7’-1"R(I think that’s the 7’-1"R,I don’t have a catalog in front of me @ pres).These blanks have time over time provided winning boards.Herb.