I finally got a Lazor zap

…no need to get wet over last weeks design either…(lol)

A few years ago Tom Curren was ripping on modern stingers, currently some pretty good surfers are riding minis, Slater is riding quads which have had their day in the sun at least two times before starting around 82.  Today’s surfboards regardless of shaper are using different foam, useable fin boxes, other materials and so it’s really impossible to have anything that is truly retro as in…like the old days. So many differences since then.  I wouldn’t say outdated on any design.  Well…there are a couple. Ha.  Just modified to however the person ordering the board wants to surf.  I like it all for the most part myself. I appreciate all the input also pro, con, or indifferent.

Not knocking it.  I think Greg Pautsch is one of the most under-rated shapers on the planet.  Singles are swell for longboards and hulls.  Just don’t see the relishing in the past of “retro” single fins on any shape.  I rode 'em.  I have an excellent memory.  Lowel

I haven’t had a new surfboard in 8 years. I make no apologies for being happy and sharing my excitement. I have ridden thrusters, twins singles…I loved them all. But, I am not Slater, I am a 52 year old man who loves getting wet whether it be in the water or in my pants.  


that there was a funny comeback, kudos!

Eight years is a long spell without a new board.  Enjoy it.  A new board stokes the fire.  It looks great.  What I think of single fins on shortboards is only an opinion.  Get out there and bust some air . 

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too much of what i said is not “printing” when I hit the post comment button

but I will try again… Reese from nw smyrna, iding what appears to be the same design, doing cutbacks Curren himself would respect imo

this board is limted only by its riders ability

To all and I mean everyone. It’s all good. Thank you for letting me share. Now to wax it up and surf.

To all and I mean everyone. It’s all good. Thank you for letting me share. Now to wax it up and surf.

Always like both your and gdaddy’s responses. Different opinions never bug me. As you say, if shorty riders knew what they were missing with Greg’s shortboards he would be forced back into full time shaping. The guy shapes one nice modern shorty. I have sold quite a few of them to really really good surfers who killed it on them on trips to the North Shore and others. A humble man also. Not a bad builder either. I have seen some of his construction work.  High end.

  Reese has had numerous of these designs from various shapers. He surfers the best of his single fins from what he tells me on a wide tailed GP and an epoxy Forstall with the winged keel he took to Costa. Another humble surfer who is one of the special talents in the water. 

BTW and FTR, I appreciate many of McCoy’s design ideas.  But having tried lots of different fins and fin combos with the fat ass/domed bottom/sharp release my personal favorite fin setup on that board is as a quad.  With the Halo type template (Reverse D), no less.  

  I'm ridiing a wide tailed quad right now myself. More of a miniesque shape than zap though.