Yep, I thought it toast but no more! My hi-tech, not so expensive, old school, Sub Zero, vaccum bag system is up and running once again! Now it can crush 1 lb. eps like the best of em. It turns out the culprit was the spare tank and pressure regulator combined. Bypassed both, stuck a piece of 1 lb. eps in a 1 gal. zip lock bag with a little bubble wrap and flipped the switch. Oh the glorious hum of that Sub Zero motor and the crinkling of the plastic edges as the vaccum is applied is music to my ears. Left it on for about 3 mins and it crushed the hell outta that eps! Go baby! It just took a couple of pinholes to reduce the pressure from 23 to about 6 and it ran steady. YES!!! I can finally continue on with my new fish thingy. I have just enough balsa for the deck and thought I’d put a layer of Divinycell on the bottom. I plan on making the bottom and the rails an opaque creamy beer foam color and then paint in Pinlines on the deck bring the rails and balsa together. We’ll see how that goes.
My plan with this little project is to make myself a new summer board, compsand style by using the least amount of money and the most amount of pre-existing materials. In other words, whatever I can find in my garage. Leftover balsa from a previous project, divinycell from the rafters, a set of twinzer glass ons from a few years back, leftover RR, 3 partial rolls of 6 & 4 oz. glass. So far it’s only cost me $20.00 in eps. Oh yeah, and the fridge compresser was free from a local refrigeration repair company
Here’s a pic of the little bugger. Sorry about the quality, it was shot on my cell as I was running out of the garage this AM.