I Hate Thieves!!!

Not a plea for sympathy, but let my experience be a warning. No locks on my gates, back door to garage wide open. Thief takes new 1/2" cordless Dewalt drill/driver and charger, Craftsman drill/driver (didn’t take charger?), and worst of all my Milwaukee sander/polisher (variable speed). I’m actually fortunate that the bastards didn’t clean me out.

Keep 'em locked up gang!!!

Hey Surfthis,

Sad to here that. Think good thoughts…

You know what they say about theivery, it’s caused by two things: Opportunity & Desire

eliminate one of those, and you stop theives.


only thing worse than thieves is vandals.

i once had someone smash out two windows on my car just for shits and giggles…didn’t steal a thing. i mean, if they had at least taken my turnpike change or something…okay…i’d understand that they had to smash $650 worth of car windows to get to my $2.50 in quarters. but to smash out my windows and steal nothing…ARGH!!! some people…


You know what they say about theivery, it’s caused by two things: Opportunity & Desire

eliminate one of those, and you stop theives.


Yep, that was the point of my post. Complacency will get you ripped off. Just got so used to nobody going into my backyard because I used to have a couple of big ol’ dogs on “patrol.” NO one came back there that didn’t know 'em. Funny thing was, they were the biggest pushovers you ever saw!

Make sure you report thefts and vandalism to the police. They don’t usually hold out much hope but if they happen to find the stuff or thieves they will know you are missing things. The vandal thing is almost funny…so many kids video themselves doing that stuff…a couple of guys drove down my street one night 3-4 yeras ago using an air rifle to shoot out a window on every vehicle parked on the street…something like 12 vehicles all together…that makes a huge felony when you add up all the damages…didn’t catch them in our case but they would have done time plus restitution if they did get caught.

right there with you guys on hating thieves, someone stole my shirt and shoes this morning when I stashed them to go surf one of the almost secret spots here. it was a long walk back to the truck barefoot


right there with you guys on hating thieves, someone stole my shirt and shoes this morning when I stashed them to go surf one of the almost secret spots here. it was a long walk back to the truck barefoot

Sometimes I am amazed when something doesn’t get stolen. Years ago, I surfed Ocean City. You leave something worth having (and many things not) unattended and in plain view there in Summer for more than 10 minutes, and you can pretty well count it gone. I have this gimungous straw lifeguard hat that I use for sun protection. Last year I parked near my current home break (not far from OC), and when I packed up to leave, I put the hat on a nearby stump while I racked the boards. Had a senior moment and drove off without it. When I got home, I noticed what I had done, but figured it was already too late. I didn’t get back to the beach for two weeks. Guess what? My hat was still sitting on the stump, on the main thorofare, in plain view of every resident and tourist strolling or driving by. Just lucky? Or do some environs actually inspire honest behavior more than others?


Sucks Tim !

Let me know if there’s anything you need…you can borrow anything I got.Herb


Just lucky? Or do some environs actually inspire honest behavior more than others?


That is definitely the case.

Never carry more than you can afford to lose. Few things you should carry on a surf trip to your local, are worth more than a window on your car. I only carry my license when I go.

The other upside of carrying nothing is that it keeps your car cleaner…

I carry a lot of things in my van. Mostly wrappers, sandwich crusts, bags, old newspapers, cans, plastic bottles and sand. My van looks derelict at best and I’ve never been ripped off.


I carry a lot of things in my van. Mostly wrappers, sandwich crusts, bags, old newspapers, cans, plastic bottles and sand. My van looks derelict at best and I’ve never been ripped off.

I’ve got all that, plus a couple of sand dunes!

As for the theft, something occurred to me yesterday when I was telling folks in my neighborhood to watch their stuff. Friday was recycle day, and I had put mine out the night before. I think these guys may have been driving around checking out the boxes in the recycle bins to check their potential victim’s recent purchases. DeWalt has a bright yellow box, even broken down and in the middle of the stack, it stood out. When I replaced it yesterday, I left the box at Lowe’s!

Nels, yep, reported it to the police first thing. The cop told me to report anything taken and anybody suspicious in the neighborhood. “Usually, the only ones who don’t want to talk to me are criminals.”

Herb, thanks for the offer, (I think you meant me, but my name’s Allen). Anyway, these fokkers knew their (my) tools. Walked right by my HF sander to get to my Milwaukee! The bastards!!!


When I replaced it yesterday, I left the box at Lowe’s!

Yeah, I normally cut boxes down one side then flatten and fold so the unprinted side is facing out… nothing like telling the neighbours and passers buy all about that new entertainment system you just got! either that or I put out the rubish on the morning for collection altho I have heard stories (and nothing more than that) of guys working for the waste collectors who suss it out and pass on the info to those with sticky fingers and idle minds. Insurance is a pain in the ass untill you wish you had it. rif.