I Have A Dream!

It is a recurring dream. Some, might even call it a nightmare. Almost every night I have the same dream. This is “My Dream”. I dream I am in a small long dark blue room. The only lights On in this room are two eight foot fluorescent lights mounted on the side walls. In the center of the room is a two-piece metal rack. On the rack is a beautiful piece of unsculpted foam. The fluorescent lighting casting shadows up and down the length of this futrure section connector. I look down the lines of this three-stringer close tolerance beauty. I notice the stenciled markings. Up near the nose I see a green 9’9 stenciled to indicate the length and model. Immediatly under that what appears to be the initials FBA (the pourer). As I glance toward the center I see the familar FHMaui. And then there it is;-------the familar and unforgettable logo----Clark Foam–1st Quality Super Green. Then I wake up. Get out of bed, take a piss and go back to bed. I lay awake wide-eyed for what seems to be hours. This same tape looping thru my every conscious and subconscious level. Finally after some considerable tossing and turning I drift of into Rhem sleep. In the early hours of dawn I awaken to the images and memory of that dream. Will it ever end? Will I ever take a Skil 100 or a Surefoam to that peice of "potters clay? Only another night of sleep will tell. McDing

Quick go back to bed! I wanna hear how this ends…

Or maybe you should start wearing a tinfoil hat at night…bloody aliens…


“…Finally after some considerable tossing …”

hehehehhahahahahhhhhhhh !!!

…the [in]famous “sirW.A.L.” and “Rubber[g]love” will love THAT bit !

[ask the Brits what the word “tosser” means one day .]

cheers for the larf !

ben t

Perhaps the dream could be a symptom of physical withdrawal from the chemicals in the foam ?


Sounds like your minds gone blank

or blank’s gone , mind you…

I guess like anything you use for a long time , and then it is taken away / you stop using it , it is normal to go through withdrawals for a while .

…I hope you get to shape some good blanks really soon , Macca !

cheers !


It is a recurring dream. Some, might even call it a nightmare. Almost every night I have the same dream. This is “My Dream”. I dream I am in a small long dark blue room. The only lights On in this room are two eight foot fluorescent lights mounted on the side walls. In the center of the room is a two-piece metal rack. On the rack is a beautiful …

I have a dream like that myself, but it’s Brigette Bardot on the rack…make that 'padded horizontal surface… or sometimes Sigourney Weaver. Which speaks volumes to both my age and priorities in life. And then there’s the one involving flying…lets not go there… doc…


I have a dream like that myself, but it’s Brigette Bardot on the rack…make that 'padded horizontal surface… or sometimes Sigourney Weaver. Which speaks volumes to both my age and priorities in life. And then there’s the one involving flying…lets not go there… doc…

You’ve been reading some Douglas Adams triology again Doc?




I have a dream like that myself,… doc…

You’ve been reading some Douglas Adams triology again Doc?



Heh, ohh yeah - all five books of that increasingly misnamed trilogy…

thanks for all the fish


Here’s to you, Doc! Have a nice day (and night…)

I always knew you had an eye for nicely tuned shapes.

you have nearly as many of “these” photos as I have surfing photos , Billy …

[can’t believe they made you a “moderator” at the shaperoom forum …playing with fire , I reckon …no wonder hardly any ladies post there , or HERE !]

no wonder you wear such THICK glasses matey !

[stop it , or you’ll go blind , I tells ya !]

ben dover

oh NO !

brigette is back

now that she knows where I live I wont get another night’s sleep!

I kept waiting for the foam to turn to wood.

these old guys and 50 year old cheese cake.

This going to hell in a handbasket world

is a finer place with brigette in silver shades.

and now clark foam can become dream food.

we continue to live in an interesting world

super concious- concious -and sub concious

whadda world

…aloha from waipouli…



you have nearly as many of “these” photos as I have surfing photos , Billy …

[can’t believe they made you a “moderator” at the shaperoom forum …playing with fire , I reckon …no wonder hardly any ladies post there , or HERE !]

no wonder you wear such THICK glasses matey !

[stop it , or you’ll go blind , I tells ya !]

ben dover


Far from truth, Ben.

You can’t even imagine.

That’s WHY they made me a moderator at Shaperoom.net… (It’s a FRENCH website, remember…)

“Blind”? Or deaf?

God I miss Clark Foam…EPS just has to many holes!


This going to hell in a handbasket world

is a finer place with brigette in silver shades…

We won’t even get into the high-heeled boots…

Surfing, well, we all live in a dream world to some extent. But … ahem… if I have my choices…

Thanks, Balsa, that most DEFINITELY improved my day.

Now to get the steam off my screen



It is a recurring dream. Some, might even call it a nightmare. Almost every night I have the same dream. This is “My Dream”. I dream I am in a small long dark blue room. The only lights On in this room are two eight foot fluorescent lights mounted on the side walls. In the center of the room is a two-piece metal rack. On the rack is a beautiful …

I have a dream like that myself, but it’s Brigette Bardot on the rack…make that 'padded horizontal surface… or sometimes Sigourney Weaver. Which speaks volumes to both my age and priorities in life. And then there’s the one involving flying…lets not go there… doc…

Hey Man, stop with the visuals.