I need a condo on Oahu

I need a condo on Oahu between 3/12/05 and 3/19/05. I will consider other dates in March if nessesary. My first choice is Makaha but I will consider other locations. -David

Howzit beardw, Goggle it" Hawaii vacation rentals Oahu" that should get you some results then fine tune the search for Makaha area. If you go there be sure to repect the aina and the people and especially the surfers. Aloha,Kokua

yes and if you ever come to Florida,

Please respect our state locals, hospitality industry workers

and surfers.

Our people here are very unbalanced, do not take much

to upset them.

Thankyou so much.

And it also doesn’t take much more than a sixpack of Old Milwaukee to cheer Floridians up!

If you want to stay out at Makaha, contact Al & Ann Shaver at 808-696-4186. I think their site address is www.makahashores.com

They have a couple of nice condos and their prices are very reasonable.

If you want to stay in Town, you might contact Tim Fong at the Royal Grove Hotel. Again, very reasonable . . . but a long drive out to the West Side.


I will be sure to respect the aina and the people and especially the surfers. What are the aina?

Thanks. I’ll check them both out. How long does it take to drive from Town to the Westside?

Aina. Multiple meanings. Click on the site below for a Hawaiian-English dictionary. Have fun.


Well it’s a world away in many respects… drive-wise, it depends on traffic, which on Oahu can be very heavy. On a good day it’s 45 minutes to an hour, depending on where you are coming from/going. TIP: Once you get off the freeway do NOT speed if you are heading westside, lots of speed traps and they love to catch mainlanders.

PS behave out there, the vibe can be heavy.

Okay. I’ll behave. I guess that’s very important. I’ve been hearing alot about that. I’m getting the impression that its not quite the same as being new to the line up at Rincon or some other So Cal spot. I can only imagine how they may look at haoles. Since at one time they had paradise and now all these white boys are getting in their way. I know how I feel when arrogant bastards come down from the Valley and get in my backyard. Though if it hadn’t been for the haoles they’d still be riding 90 lb planks.

I promise I’ll be good. I’m pretty low key anyway. But I’ll be extra respectful.

With all due respect, this sort of comment, and attitude, “Though if it hadn’t been for the haoles they’d still be riding 90 lb planks.” will get your haole assed kicked for sure!

The guys who surf Makaha are more than a bunch of “locals,” they are part of a community where entire families have grown up and played together. You are a guest in their backyard.

Oh yeah . . . don’t blow your first wave!

Hey da_bazza.

My 90 lb plank comment was not respectful of the Hawaiians. I should have thought that through before posting it. Sorry.

Please look at this site . . .


I think the photos will give you some of the “flavor” of Makaha.

Enjoy . . .

da Bazza

Awesome site. Very interesting pictures and stories. I like her fish story. It does paint a good picture of life at Makaha. Thanks.

Touching story, Rell was a little older than me, but was always in my life from the magazines growing up.