as a matter of fact
not fiction,
both the tellyban
and all american rednex
are stewart hp team riders,
and none of em have custom
rides only popouts cause they all live
far from the beach or any good surf.
Boards designed by people who actually surf
are at a disadvantage as a market commodity
because most consumers of manufactured 'products
neither surf or live anywhere close to the beach or have
any discernable backround to make an intelligent choice
based on aything other than the printed word that spins
testing with edited quotes that leave out pertinent
arguing points.
''Ultimate terms in contemporary rhetoric ‘’ *
proports that to infuse an arguement with credibility
or to difuse a contrary argument to use an ultimate term
like ‘’atheist/gay/communist/drug-addicted puppy-beater"
or “”.american rednecks and the Taliban…
**o’the topic of whadda bout this design credibility
obviously has nothing to do with endangered albino seal pups
oil leaking lowriders, Levi strauss 501 jeans
or the third reich but the mere mention or allusion
of such into the discussion of a shiny plastic toy
designed and built for consumption and disposal
erodes any meaningful evaluation of the credits or detriments
of this design and its performance.
In closing I would like to say I have reversed my opiion
and now think because I an aspiring puppy beater
and a redneck tallyho bandelerro levi 501 wearin
nazi throwback I want all traditional clean shapes outlawed
and everyone must only ride weird shapes computer generated
by industrial design award winning geniuses that belong to the rotary club
in san mateo.
george orwell is not god.
But he knows god’s literary agent
oh by the way
pop outs are
a good thing.
penguins are fat seasonally
for survival not a market share.
*george orwell
**at this point I lost the control of the font
some day I will be a better geek.