I need the "bad sand" string!

I put off printing it…Rob, care to repeat…EVERYTHING?

It starts with a good sand job. I Grind ( plugs, laps ) with a 6000 rpm Makita grinder. Then i come back and sand with a hard Power Pad with 80 grit and the 6000 all flats deck and bottom. Then i come back with the same used 80 grit paper on a med Pad and my polisher Vir/speed at 3000 rpms and fine tune flats. After i hit all the flats i slow the machine down to about 1500 rpms and sand my rails with a lite touch from nose to tail walking the rail. After i have finshed removing all the gloss from the hot coat I hit all flats with 120 grit at a slow speed maybe about 2000 rpms. After doing my hand sanding i hit the edges again with the 120 to remove any hand sanding scratches. Now if i’m glossing i’m done. When i sand finish i will hit the board with 220 and 400. Gloss Now that i have a good sand to 120 only. I apply a mix of gloss and sanding resin ( 249a and SA ) it helps flow better and it sands and polishes better. Take your time when taping off to make for a clean tape line. You’ll see why when to buzz the rail bead. Polish Dry sand with 400 and a Med. Power Pad ( A good one )Bottom and deck. with the same paper buzz the bead of the rail don’t burn and hit cloth. When using 400 hit the edge on the tail to remove the build up on the hard edge area. When you get done make a pass slap the pad to remove any extra gloss off the pad. then i come back and and hit with 600 with a soft Pad and roll it down the rail ( less hand sanding ) to remove any tits. don’t worry about scratches on the rail. Rails polish so easy i only use 400 on my hand sand. The one trick is pull your paper ( sand ) in one direction NEVER CROSS SCRATCH or as little a you can. and in those areas just polish a little more. You can fix a real shitty gloss start with 120 or 220 then follow with 400 and 600 but always use a med or even a hard Pad to remove and sand out splits and tits. Remember when fixing a bad gloss never sand to much with 120 or 220 just remove any bad sections. Finish with 4 and 600… Then use any good polish. and a yellow 3M pad the finish up with lambs wool pad. I hope that covers it. Make it shine Always use a hard pad to make things flat. soft pads float over bumps. The trick is to make things flat again?? Soft pads are only for fine sanding… They bend around rails… Hard pad = 80 grit Med pad = 120, 180, ( 220, 320, 400 Polish ) Soft Pad = 220 sand and 600 wet dry but never wet always sand gloss dry in one direction… Pre cut paper sucks… Cut stock 80 grit 3M but cut it with points… Cut stright then cut stright again leaving little feathering tips on the paper. When sanding glass ons you can shape your base easy try it with a pre cut after you’ll see. You will never see swirls again… NEVER CUT PAPER ROUND… your asking for swirls. When polishing it works even better… cut wet dry the same way… I’ve cut my paper that way for over 30 years…

Thank you for saving me Teddy… http://surfnwsc.com

i just happened to gather all the latest sanding info you and others have given us. no…thank you rob

yeah man!!! all that info kicked butt!!! you guys that contribute countless info on here ROCK!!! keep on keepin’ on. Josh

yeah man!!! all that info kicked butt!!! you guys that contribute > countless info on here ROCK!!! keep on keepin’ on…Not only do they kick butt, they(Rob,Kokua,Cleanlines) sound like some cool dudes to boot!!! Shoots, Swaylocks is full of cool people! I am looking forward to my next glass job, Thanks! Scott

Same as guys…that info rocked. Thanks a lot!