I Received A Strange Message...

Level 2


+1 to shapeing stats

+1 to ding repair

can’t wait for level 3 …

+2 buffing…

i got the same thing…

were there links that required clicking?

you guys may be getting phished.

I was feeling kind of special too.

There were no links and the message looked like this:

Flag this message

Congratulations! You have joined a new role

Thursday, January 15, 2009 2:57 PM


Add sender to Contacts




You have met the minimum required points for joining a new role.

As a new member of this role, you now join a select few in having access to more areas and privileges on the web site.

Role: Level 2

Points Required: 30

We extend our warmest welcome.


fan mail from some flounder ?

I got the same email…Mike ?


or maybe Roy

He must be dealing with it – how stupid am I to have answered that e-mail and do I need to notify my ISP?


I love the world of drive-bys

if he got spoofed then everyone just got drafted into the zombie-bot army to be used at a later date for some devious purpose.

Maybe the chinese, eastern block, or mr bin’s troops are gearing up for the coming inauguration…

welcome to my world

hope you didn’t store any confidential login info on your hard drive somewhere like in a password locked word document or excel spreadsheet.

isn’t living in the cloud a wonderful thing?

three co-workers just lost their home PCs and data because of crimeware. Cost one several hundred to pay some expert to recover his family pictures.

all in all I think it could be valid

I don’t know if I was a barnacle or veteran before hand probably a barnacle

hey janklow

You, johnmellor and I have our own Swaylocks level!

It’s called level “dufus” LOL

We win the prize!

Very soon we should be receiving another email saying

"CONGRATULATIONS! You three are the only GOONS to respond to this email!

You have officially qualified yourself for the grand title of KOOK OF THE YEAR!"


And there we have it.

At least I not alone. LOL



I love the world of drive-bys

if he got spoofed then everyone just got drafted into the zombie-bot army to be used at a later date for some devious purpose.

Maybe the chinese, eastern block, or mr bin’s troops are gearing up for the coming inauguration…

welcome to my world

hope you didn’t store any confidential login info on your hard drive somewhere like in a password locked word document or excel spreadsheet.

isn’t living in the cloud a wonderful thing?

three co-workers just lost their home PCs and data because of crimeware. Cost one several hundred to pay some expert to recover his family pictures.

all in all I think it could be valid

I don’t know if I was a barnacle or veteran before hand probably a barnacle

Several hundred to restore pics from a dead drive? Sheet, I’ve been doing it for free for folks around the office. I think I’ll start charging, you know, howz a poki salad and miso noodle soup sound?

I only checked a few of yours… but do all you guys who got the message have your email address posted in your profiles?

I don’t have mine up, and I did not get the message. Sounds like a crawler bot checking for live emails. Beef up your spam filters, its coming. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t start with that.

The thread will get locked.

Aaaaa, you guys are punks. MY message invited me to level 4 and it only cost me $50 to be deducted from my bank when I sent the account info through. Funny though, had no idea Paler had a Nigerian address, but I’m looking forward to those level 4 excitements.



I love the world of drive-bys

if he got spoofed then everyone just got drafted into the zombie-bot army to be used at a later date for some devious purpose.

Maybe the chinese, eastern block, or mr bin’s troops are gearing up for the coming inauguration…

welcome to my world

hope you didn’t store any confidential login info on your hard drive somewhere like in a password locked word document or excel spreadsheet.

isn’t living in the cloud a wonderful thing?

three co-workers just lost their home PCs and data because of crimeware. Cost one several hundred to pay some expert to recover his family pictures.

all in all I think it could be valid

I don’t know if I was a barnacle or veteran before hand probably a barnacle


Here was me thinking I was being asked to be a moderator! Just as well it wasn’t the case or Sways would have been well and truly screwed. Screwed I say!

while its always good to keep your cyber-guard up,


Mike’s explanation is posted here:


Bernie! You’re alive!

Glad to see you made it through the storms!(are they over?)