I Received A Strange Message...

It came from admin@sways and it said “you have met the minimum required points for joining a new role. As a new member of this role, you now join a select few in having access to more areas and privileges on the web site.”

First of all, could someone explain to me what these privileges are and how do I go about exploiting them to my advantage?

Secondly, is there a secret porn server somewhere on Sways that I previously didn’t have access do. Thanks in advance if this is the case.

Thirdly, do any of these privileges involve forty virgins waiting for me? Or is that just the porn server?

Awaiting answers…

Just read the same message. Curious.

Bi Polar

I didn’t get the message…but I am just glad I graduated from newbie to user. Apparently I have a drug problem or something.

I just got that message tonight also. Now, I’m worried. Possible virus or worm, or Trojan?

never heard of such a thing. Unless Mike announces some changes to the site, I’d be wary of it.

Would only be the case if there was an attachment. But I wouldn’t click on any of the links just to be on the safe side. Wait for more info, if it’s the real deal then I am sure this thread will let them know that they need to let you all know what the dealo is.

If you all are getting promoted then congrats.

fan mail from some flounder ?

I got the same email…Mike ?


I got one too. That means that they are completely bogus, because we all know how clueless

I am around here!

Just a precaution when getting strange mail - rather than opening it, right click and choose

“VIEW SOURCE” you only get a text of the message and who sent it. No downloads or

anything else. My 16 year old computer wiz kid told me about that one. He makes me feel

older and dumber every day.

Here’s what I got



You have met the minimum required points for joining a new role.

As a new member of this role, you now join a select few in having access to more areas and privileges on the web site.

Role: Level 2

Points Required: 30

We extend our warmest welcome

I sent a reply asking what all this meant, didn’t hear back yet.

I got the same message.

What’s that all about?

the question has been forwarded to the boss man for clarification/elucidation and edification…

until he says its actually him proposing cool new stuff, I wouldn’t be clicking on anything, myself.

I fell for it too. I even replied, thanking Mike for the recognition for whatever it was I did. For a second it felt good not being a whale turd at the bottom of the ocean.

That’s fantastic!

Now I don’t feel like such a dork!

I did the exact same thing! LOL

It’s from Paler, apparently:

Received: from mpaler

Looking forward to the sublime surfboard-design porn secret rooms


Uh…what would that actually be?

Like naked chicks surfing Pipe on boards that look like vibrators?

I’m confused

I never check my e-mail. If you don’t have my cell number you can contact me via Swaylock’s PM.


I have been walking around on level one

looking for an elevator to level two.

I would settle for an escalator.

I just know there are candy shops and ice cream stores with the wrought iron tables and a fountain serving green rivers…

or mabe double life points for coins and secret potions under mushrooms

how are we spozed to sit still

Ah wanna see level two,too!


I think it’s all painted a diffrent color

maybe pink.

you-re NOT clueless mate! i love your posts



You have met the minimum required points for joining a new role.

As a new member of this role, you now join a select few in having access to more areas and privileges on the web site.

Role: Level 2

Points Required: 30

We extend our warmest welcome.