I suck. Sewing fibre to prevent fray?

I just wondered if anyone’s tried it, and whether it interfered with the layup at all?

What do you want to achieve?

a stress free, easy lam; less waste and no need to gum up scissors

Do cut laps and if it frays it won’t matter. Have scissors ready while lamming to cut the hangers.

I know it’s easy when you’ve practiced a lot. I’ve almost had enough practice for that. Every time I get a bit better at cut laps. I see what you’re saying.
However, I don’t make enough boards to get to that stage. I always end up with epoxy all over my feet, on the floor, on the wall, scissors destroyed etc.
And then there’s the sanding afterwards from any mistakes.

It’s such a messy process compared to resin infusion and a vacumm pump

Speaking of which, I didn’t think I could use a pump… but I’ve just realised that I have a big electric battery pack that might be able to power a pump for long enough… a lab pump might be low voltage enough; especially if I can find a USB one

I have some scissors with tiny serrations (I think they’re high end kitchen scissors) and they cut with no fraying threads. I’ll try to get a pic or more info, but do a google search & see what you can find. I hate those stray threads too! And I agree about cut laps, except (true confession) I fight the stray fraying threads even on cut laps.


No name but here’s what they look like (my wife forbid me from using them in the shop then she melted the finger grip so she gave them to me & I repaired them with wood thats why they look like that)

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Cut your cloth with quality shears so the cloth doesn’t get mangled around the edges. Before you apply resin, go all the way around the board with your fingers and gently pull off any loose strands.