I think I screwed up my board...help me swaylocks shapers, you're my only hope

So I think I may have screwed up my board Im making, but I’m not an experienced shaper so I’m turning to you guys.

Q: Is this board a lost cause? Only ridable by a grommet? even worth any extra effort?

I recently came into possesion of several blanks and I have been working on them since the beginning of summer. I’ve done some shaping in the past, but always with some guidance. These boards are all me. My first board is a fish that turned out really nice (really nice meaning, for what I pictured it to look like, it pretty much looks like. which is pretty awesome) but this next board I think is too small.  I don’t know if I should continue shaping it and get it glassed anyway, maybe sell it to a kid; or scrap it, take what I learned, and move on with my life.


L: 69 1/4’’

W: 15 3/4 ‘’

T: 2’’

NW: (1 foot from nose) 10 1/4’’     NT: 1 3/4’’

TW: (1 foot from tail) 12’’               TT: 1 3/4’’


Because its so narrow, I am keeping the rails pretty boxy to conserve volume, not sure if that is the way to go, but thats my attempt at any damage control. I really just think its too small, I don’t really know what i was thinking making it so narrow- but I started making this one right after I put the fish on the shelf, which is 20’’ wide i think, so maybe I just wanted to go narrower? I dont really know haha

Despite my problems, I feel like I did somethings right, the general plan shape is pretty symmetrical, I am pleased with my concavity I put on it, which really isnt saying much except that it turned out how it looked in my minds eye.


Comments, questions, concerns, criticisms, other stories of failed board attempts (both funny and sad) are welcome.

Thanks in advance! you guys are a wealth of knowledge.



If you make a template first, then how can you be disappointed with the outline - length - width once shaped?

Make a template first.  Draw it out on the sidewalk cement with kids' chalk.  Stand in the middle of it.  Is it right?  Then shape it!

Have fun.  Its only water toys.  Put some straps on it and tow into Chopes!

if the board is really that narrow, then the best possible thing you could do is put it on the ground and jump on it. problem solved…and it feels great!

If you haven’t glassed it, you can add more foam down the middle and add a second stringer, or add a piece of foam on each side. 

Or you could find a grom with more money than sense and sell it to him/her. Or give it away to a whippersnapper with limited funds…

You think thats screwed !

 I mixed epoxy resin and catalyst then asked a mate to measure out 30 mls of denatured alcohol.

 I said "Metho", as its known here..

 He says he heard  "Kero."

 But somehow he managed to hand me 30 mls of Turps !! Which I mixed in and lammed the board.

The boards bagged and vacced and this morning its hard as a rock.

 Dunno how that happened but Im not glassing with him around any more!!