I want to buy an honest-to-god fish!

I live in the North OC area and I want to buy a real deal fish. I’m not really interested in a “modern fish” (wide 3-fin shortboard). I want something with a traditional (ok, maybe a bit updated, but not much) fish plan shape with maybe 2 or 4 fins. My problem is that there seems to be a drought of this kind of board for sale in the HB/SB area. I think I read here that Herb S. might be doing production again and I would be all over that if it were the case, but I’m not sure it is. Any leads toward finding the shaper of my dream fish greatly appreciated!

Any leads toward finding the shaper of my dream fish greatly appreciated!**************BROM http://www.surfenginez.com

Super! do you happen to have Steve Brom’s phone number?

check out www.surfenginez.com lots of cool fishies -steve

check out www.surfenginez.com>>> lots of cool fishies>>> -steve Thank you gentelmen. Especially you Gene. That’s the correct Web address. The correct e-mail is . The correct phone is(805)962-3678. The boards are expensive. They are developed in series of ten, numbered, signed and guided thru the whole process by me personally. I guarantee you one of the most memorable surfing experiences, that you will ever have and remember. Or, people that I’ve never met before their fishing experiences on my equipment, have offered to express to anyone that’s interested, what their up to the moment comments are regarding their fish. I’d be happy to pass along their e-mail. You won’t be sorry. Steve Brom

Not to cut anyones line or anything but there is a Steve Brom Fish for sale on Ebay right now. http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1041402566 Looks like a good deal, better get on it. It ends tomorrow morning.>>> check out www.surfenginez.com>>> lots of cool fishies>>> -steve

Thank you gentelmen. Especially you Gene. That’s the correct Web address. > The correct e-mail is . The correct phone > is(805)962-3678. The boards are expensive. They are developed in series of > ten, numbered, signed and guided thru the whole process by me personally. > I guarantee you one of the most memorable surfing experiences, that you > will ever have and remember. Or, people that I’ve never met before their > fishing experiences on my equipment, have offered to express to anyone > that’s interested, what their up to the moment comments are regarding > their fish. I’d be happy to pass along their e-mail. You won’t be sorry. > Steve Brom Who glasses your boards? How’s the time turn over at the glassshop?

Any leads toward finding the shaper of my dream fish greatly appreciated! Tyler , Skip Fry , Randy French , Steve Brom , Max McDonald Take your pick

i have a “fryed fish” it works wondefully – very “fishy” – very unlike every other board i own – very fun – 3 years ago it took me 7 months to get – today skip aint even shaping (although i hear he will be starting to take new orders again in 2002)-- the neatest part of the fish are the 2 glassed-on marine plywood keel fins – these are hand foiled by the same guy that skip has used forever – very cool – can’t compare his to anyone elses (although broms looks a bit thicker) people that i think shape these classic boards: frye, tyler, brom, lis, tudor (well he has the rights to david’s nuuhiwas name and his fish, not sure who the shaper is…i think terry martin used to shape david’s)…

Dave…I KNOW…Skip frye would be the man if you could get ahold of him.(not that the lot of the more experienced guys on this site couldn’t do an equally good job!) I think he’s rough to get a board out of these days. There’s a guy named Jim Hanley in San Diego who does old school (REAL) fish…with the steve lis templates and keel fins. Don’t have his #, but I’ll bet he’s listed. Better yet, try to MAKE one OF YOUR OWN from an existing template! You will thank yourself! (p.s…I love riding the old (real)fish…some of the “funnest” rides I’ve ever had!). Happy trails! T.

Dave, I also surf the North County and I am waiting for my fish to be finished by the Magic Man. Steve Brom is a very patient man who answered all my questions. I remember trying to get a Nuuhiwa fish, and when I asked a few questions “they” accused me of trying to replicate their fish. Steve Brom has not been that way at all. Go to http://www.surfnwear.com/new/trad_fish.html or, go to “Surf-n-Wear”, in Santa Barbara to see the fish for yourself. I think that’s important before you order one. But order direct from Steve. SteveA

Tyler , Skip Fry , Randy French , Steve Brom , Max McDonald>>> Take your pick Is the fish man himself.Steve Lis, no longer makin’ boards?That would be my first choice.

Dave, I also surf the North County and I am waiting for my fish to be > finished by the Magic Man. Steve Brom is a very patient man who answered > all my questions. I remember trying to get a Nuuhiwa fish, and when I > asked a few questions “they” accused me of trying to replicate > their fish. Steve Brom has not been that way at all. Go to > http://www.surfnwear.com/new/trad_fish.html or, go to > “Surf-n-Wear”, in Santa Barbara to see the fish for yourself. I > think that’s important before you order one. But order direct from Steve. > SteveA Thanks SteveA, To the First question. The boards that I build are glassed in Santa Barbara, at the Beatty Products glassing factory (the old Yater factory). Beatty’s Rocket fish, Wayne Rich’s classics, Gene Cooper’s Cooperfish and a number of other luck shapers blanks are finished there. The turn around time can be as long as 2 months, for one of my fish, depending on the part of the season, or some bottleneck in the factory flow. The quality of the finish, and the strength overall, hopefully would be worth the wait. I’ve been shaping for 35 years, this style of fish for thirty, and shaped these boards for Mr. Nuuhiwa at Dyno Surfboards in the 70’s after Mr. Terry Martin departed. I have learned a few things about shaping these fish since. They are almost nothing like what they were in the 70’s. But you might not be able to tell without a trained eye, or a straight edge. I know what it takes to make these boards Magic. You’ll see! Steve A., your board is about half way through. It’s taking a little longer than I thought, But it’s beautiful. Your deposit check is still pinned to the wall. Any questions fellas, fire away. Steve Brom

As I posted awhile back, I want to make my own fish. I am in FL and the only thing around is longboard house, which carries the David Nuiewa (I have no idea how to spell that) fish. They are sweet, and probably done by you, but too expensive for me, and the salesmen there are wack. Everytime I go in there I feel like I am stereotypical used car lot. Anyway my question is, Is a 6’2"C a viable blank to get to make a 6’ fish? I was thinking of cutting the length off the nose and adjusting from there. Or would something like a 7’3" eaton blank (the funboard/egg blank) be better. That way I can cut the nose and tail off for a flat bottom? I’m leaning toward the oversized blank, but I’m not sure. If you could suggest anything, I would be very stoaked. Thanks.

Dave, I also surf the North County and I am waiting for my fish to be > finished by the Magic Man. Steve Brom is a very patient man who answered > all my questions. I remember trying to get a Nuuhiwa fish, and when I > asked a few questions “they” accused me of trying to replicate > their fish. Steve Brom has not been that way at all. Go to > http://www.surfnwear.com/new/trad_fish.html or, go to > “Surf-n-Wear”, in Santa Barbara to see the fish for yourself. I > think that’s important before you order one. But order direct from Steve. > SteveA stevea–your wait will be totally worth it and dave, if you go with a brom fish, you will definitely experience stoke…take it from a owner of one…

Your first choice might be the key- Choice Surfboards and Glassing in San Diego might hook you up with him. (2nd hand rumor mind you!) IMHO- from what I’ve seen a little MAGIC goes a long way. Steve Brom has a lot of time invested in perfecting these shapes for standup. Tom>>> Is the fish man himself.Steve Lis, no longer makin’ boards?That would be > my first choice.

Are the changes you have made since the 70 directed at making the fish more conducive to stand-up surfing? Also, I’d appreciate a little detail on how these things are surfed and what conditions they are designed for. Specifically, do you have to be an experienced surfer to get the benefit of one of these shapes? I’ve been surfing only a couple years, but am pretty proficient on a shortboard. Just wondering of an investment in one of these would be a waste for some one with my limited experience. Thanks

STU KENSON is shaping all the shorties, eggs, and fish for Tudor. he’s doing a hell of a fine job too. people that i think shape these classic boards: frye, tyler, brom, lis, tudor (well he has the rights to david’s nuuhiwas name and his fish, not sure who the shaper is…i think terry martin used to shape david’s)…

I appreciate all of the responses. I checked out surfenginez.com and I must say that is exactly what I’m looking for. Those are some truly beautiful boards, but getting 7 or 8 big ones out of the bank for a fish might cause my wife to spontaneously combust. We’ll have to see what the future holds. I was already thinking about a Frye, but I guess that is out for a while as well. Still looking for now…

I appreciate all of the responses. I checked out surfenginez.com and I > must say that is exactly what I’m looking for. Those are some truly > beautiful boards, but getting 7 or 8 big ones out of the bank for a fish > might cause my wife to spontaneously combust. We’ll have to see what the > future holds. I was already thinking about a Frye, but I guess that is out > for a while as well. Still looking for now… I too have seen these little beauties at the beachouse in Santa Barbara. The glass jobs are equal to the shapes in quality. It seems Brom has a plan to put out a CLASSIC shape coupled with fiberglass work that looks like fine art. My guess is that the glass work is in the $300.00 range. I here Beatty glassing has the most talented painter / artist that can equal Steve’s mastery with a planner. I also heard he was a full time boat designer / builder.If you like those Copperfish glass jobs check these out. I go in ther just to look sometimes. It’s Bitchin.My call is to go with the experience , and forget the David / Tutor copies.