I was getting bored so I played around a bit.

Let me know what you think.

Stringers are walnut and I made the fins to match.



So…am I to understand the whole tail section is like a giant “tail block”(sort of)

Austin…you are a sick…sick man…in the best way possible. LOL


wow !! mirror finish ! just perfect

That is one friggin awsome looking board Austin. Amazing how it fits so perfectly together.

Truely a work of art and great skill.

Awesome board, very fork and knife. How’s it go??

The half of the pictures that I can see look amazing. Anyone know why I can only get half a picture on my computer?? The other half has disappeared off the side of the screen.

I’d really like to be able to see the rest of that, really interesting and creative.

I dont know why the pics are doing that. Here are some diret links.

www.austinsurfboards.com/TROY/balsatail/ride 059.JPG

www.austinsurfboards.com/TROY/balsatail/ride 060.JPG

www.austinsurfboards.com/TROY/balsatail/ride 061.JPG

www.austinsurfboards.com/TROY/balsatail/ride 062.JPG

www.austinsurfboards.com/TROY/balsatail/ride 063.JPG

Those should take you directly to the pics. We can't edit our posts now?


Man thats amazing…Way to represent the east coast


That’s one of the coolest and most interesting boards I’ve seen in a long time. How is the tail weight? Does it still feel balanced? Nice work


Hey there fats

Go to the bottom of the window.

There should be a “scroll bar” that goes sideways. Just like the one on the right side that allows you to scroll up and down.

Hope that helps

Just got home and took a proper look, just my crappy work computer couldn’t handle the awesomeness of your work there mate. Any more awesome it probably would have taken the whole of the T&W social services IT system out.

Those walnut stringer pieces look superb in profile, and you could go swimming in that finish.

Nice board!

But I’m left to wonder, where did the other one go? You know, the wooden board with the foam tail. :wink:


Pat, you got “props” for this… You beat me to it.

I hope this board doesn´t go to water…

too much beatiful to damage it…