ID this logo?

Friend of a friend loves a 9 fter and asked me to remake it…nobody local seems to know who the original shaper is/was. Does this logo ring a bell w any one? 

Maybe an early version of fletcher chouinard surf designs? 

Took a quick web peek around, couldn’t confirm. Not sure why pic is showing logo upside down. Trying again, different pic:


It looks like a TF, maybe?


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this logo before. I live/surf in Santa Cruz area, so possibly could be from around here.

Thanks, tsimpson. Indeed, that’s where it rests in the rack now, waiting to be referenced later today, over by the animal shelter in Live Oak. :smiley:

I think the owner bought it used, somewhere in town, but never knew who made it.

I sort of wondered whether it might be a 1980s or early '90s Joey Thomas logo, but haven’t seen anything to confirm, deny or even hint what the answer might be.

Update: looks like you were right, tsimpson! Friend says this board was shaped by Rick Ferguson (whom I know little to nothing about, other than that he’s been an SC-based shaper). No idea yet if the logo is an “F” for Ferguson.

Anyway, looks like this is a Rick Ferguson-made board.