If SHTF, would you bug out, bug in, take one board?

if SHTF, I’d grab one board and hit the road staying away from the population and surf as much as possible. It’s the only thing I want to do if the hammers about to fall.

Remind me of the guys who saw covid and did exactly that, jumping on a plane to indo

A good plan for sure.
But I would want my grandkids with me too.

I can see a lot of people choosing to enjoy themselves if WW3 was declared. Surfing would have to be the best way to enjoy the last few months but if you could survive you’d get any break to yourself.

More importantly, what board would you grab???

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I’m going a longboard if SHTF as it can be used to paddle across rivers with supplies , you can sleep under it , it’s a windbreak and likely to last longer due to heavier glass than a high performance short board. Here’s my triple stringer Zombie crusher.
With my son doing his best Zombie face !