I'll never get sick of.....

A clean set of glass ons (even store boughts)…
<a href=http://s105.photobucket.com/albums/m218/drewtang/?action=view&current=IMAG0428.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m218/drewtang/IMAG0428.jpg border=0 alt=>



you gonna polish it up?

Ken, thats just the hotcoat shot. I prep em before hotcoat (and hotcoat twice, with top and bottom hc) so sanding isnt as painful. But, if the gauntlet is thrown… We’ll see how busy tomorrow is. Prolly not, guy is already blowing my phone up.
want to see some pics of classic design that won’t go out of style… Show n tell.

[quote="$1"] A clean set of glass ons (even store boughts).. [/quote] i love glassies.............but the fcs logo on glassies is kind of a oxymoron ?

none the less...............nice to see someone willing to sand glassies.

if you want more ................i got some here you can have.............custom .............homey built by me.

with my blessings !


just got my 1st glassed on fin in maybe 8 yrs, its a single fin Fangtail, nearly went the bx but glad its glassed in, no changing , just get used to how it is and enjoy it for what it is…and the FCS glass-ons are such a weird oxy-Moron for sure, thought exactly the same when I saw glass-ons advertised for sale on their site…

hey drew

I saw the tape dam so I knew it was a hot coat

they do look nice and clean

they deserve a polish

double hot coats work for me also,,, just sand the hell out of them and no sand throughs

Hey Drewtang....that looks sweet - only just picked a set of thoe fins last week for a mates board I'm yet to shape - will be the first glass ons I'll have done in a while...now that carbon strip - did you use a tape roll for that or was it off a sheet? I like the idea of using a tape and trimming the stitched edges off when it's gelled but have no experience in usign Carbon what so ever...could you enlighten me on your process?




I never get sick of surfing clean, lined up waves on a board I made with my own hands.  Getting toobed. Surfing with just a couple of friends. Doing the ‘wild thing.’  Mike

You can make a set of generic fins look great.I bought these from Surfsource. I primed the outsides white (like a blank) and glassed a layer over the fin using the same colors as the rest of the board. Ended up looking prettty good. opens a world of possibilities.



This brilliant board. Surfed it today in shoulder to rare head high peaky bumpy waves, and faaaaaaaaaaaark me it just rocks. Cutbacks on a dime, and im kind of getting used to the spring of the timber rails. Lately i've been bottom turning around foam sections with ease. Did i mention the cutbacks are ridiculously good?. My performance level has gone up a few notches on this baby. Im more of a front foot surfer, but shit, when my foot is right back over the crack, this thing is a dream!

Very clean rounded pin, Mr. Cleanlines.  Very nice, indeed.  Mike

" I'll never get sick of....."


 backlit arvo / evening  glass session[s]  , with good banks ....

this^^^ in the fall